Biography of William P. Heckel

The history of a city is not the record of any one enterprise, important and extensive as it may be, but is the outcome of the aggregate effort of many who are controlling various lines of trade and commerce. Every new undertaking adds to the commercial activity and therefore to the consequent development of the city. Among the newer business concerns of Racine is the Racine Welding & Cutting Company, which was organized June 1, 1915, by William P. Heckel and William H. Larkin, with plant at No. 229 Wisconsin Street. This firm does acetylene welding and cutting, both heavy and small work, and job work for factories, and the business is growing along substantial lines.

Mr. Heckel was born in Milwaukee, September 19, 1890, and after obtaining a public school education learned the welding trade in the establishment of A. O. Smith of Milwaukee, there remaining for six years, a fact indicative of his efficient workmanship and his fidelity. In September, 1914, he came to Racine and for a short period was employed in the garage of M. E. Laux. He then established business on his own account by forming a partnership with William H. Larkin on the 1st of June, 1915, when they opened their present establishment. In addition to doing job work for factories and other work they manufacture to some extent and employ four people who are skilled in this particular line. Their trade has already reached gratifying proportions and their success is steadily growing.

Mr. Heckel, being a young man, realizes that it is necessary to concentrate his efforts closely upon the upbuilding of his trade and win success through worth and energy. Those who have met him in business relations speak of him in terms of high regard. and those who know him socially entertain for him warm friendship.



Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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