Biography of Maidens Sewell

Maidens Sewell, who for thirty-seven years was identified with farming interests in this County, his labors being terminated by death on the 20th of April, 1913, was born in England on the 9th of December, 1840, his parents being John and Betsy Sewell. He obtained a common school education and during Ma youthful days assisted largely in the labors of the home farm in England, but became attracted by the opportunities which he heard existed in America and when a youth of fifteen he came to the United States, making his way to Ohio, where he resided for three years. He there hired out as a farm hand and after being employed in that way for some time he returned to England. In 1876, however, he again came to the United States and made his way to Racine County, Wisconsin, settling on a farm constituting a part of the Herrick estate west of Corliss. There he lived for thirty-five years, at the end of which time he purchased thirty acres in Mount Pleasant Township, whereon he continued to engage in farming until his death on the 20th of April, 1913. In the meantime, however, he extended the boundaries of his property by the additional purchase of a forty-five acre tract in Mount Pleasant Township and his holdings were thus valuable and productive.

In 1872 Mr. Sewell was united in marriage to Miss Betsy Pearce, a daughter of Joseph and Rosamond Pearce, of England. The four children of this marriage are: Katie M., who is the wife of Ed. Lewis and has three children, Francis Fred, who married Ella West and has two children; Nellie Louise, who became the wife of Joseph C. Coates and died July 10, 1913, leaving a son, George Sewell, now living in Findlay, Ohio, and Albert Maidens, who married Mabel E. Burns and has one child, James Maidens.

After taking out his naturalization papers Mr. Sewell voted with the Democratic Party to which he always gave stalwart support. His religious belief was in harmony with the teachings of the Episcopal church and according to its principles he guided his life, living at all times in harmony with his fellowmen, endeavoring to do unto others as he would have them do unto him.



Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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