Biography of Hans P. Hansen

Hans P. Hansen, who carries on general farming in Raymond Township, near Franksville, is the owner of one hundred and forty-two acres of rich, arable land, in the midst of which stands one of the beautiful country residences of Racine County. Mr. Hansen may well be proud of his attractive home, as it is an indication of his intelligently directed energy and thrift. He was born in Denmark, July 5, 1869, and is a son of Nels and Jennie (Hansen) Hansen, who always remained residents of Denmark, the former born in 1838 and the latter in 1835. The father is a carpenter and is still working at his trade although now seventy-six years of age. To him and his wife were born five children, namely: Laura, the wife of J. Olsen, a farmer residing in Denmark; Christina, living in the same country; Hans P.; Sophia, also residing in Denmark, and Christ, a carpenter by trade, and now also the owner of a farm in his native country.

Hans P. Hansen had the educational advantages offered in the common schools of Denmark and remained there until 1891, when, at the age of twenty-two years, he bade adieu to friends and family and sailed for the new world. Racine County was his destination and he took up his abode near North Cape, where he secured employment as a farm hand, spending three years at work in the fields. Within that period, or on the 3rd of April, 1892, he was united in marriage to Miss Sophia Nelsen, who was born in Denmark. a daughter of Hans Nelsen, who remained a lifelong resident of that country.

Following his marriage Mr. Hansen began farming on his own account and as the years passed prosperity rewarded his efforts so that he is now most comfortably situated in life, having a very desirable farm property of one hundred and forty-two acres, situated in Raymond Township. His work is most carefully and wisely conducted and he utilizes the most progressive methods in carrying on the further development of the farm. He is quite extensively engaged in dairying, for which purpose he keeps a large herd of Holstein cattle. In 1912 he built the finest residence in Raymond Township. The house is as comfortable and attractive as it is commodious. Water has been piped all over the house and there is every modern convenience, indicative of the progressive spirit of the owner.

Mr. Hansen has thus provided a most attractive home for his family, which numbers seven children: William, who assists in the farm work; Mabel, who works in Racine and at Browns Lake; Walter, who is employed in South Dakota; Eddie, at home; Esther, who is occupying a position as bookkeeper in Racine; Ruth, who is employed in Dr. Shoop’s office in Racine, and Ida, at home.

Politically Mr. Hansen maintains an independent course, voting for men and measures rather than party. He belongs to the Lutheran church, in the faith of which he was reared. He has never regretted the fact that in early manhood he left his native land, seeking his fortune in America, for here he has found the opportunities which he sought and in their utilization has worked his way steadily upward, becoming one of the substantial and prosperous citizens of his adopted County.



Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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