Biography of Frank Alshuler

Frank Alshuler, a partner in one of the largest men’s furnishing goods stores not only of Racine but of the state, maintains a foremost position in trade circles by reason of his enterprising spirit that keeps him in touch with advanced commercial methods and modern business ideas. He was born in Covington, Indiana, March 11, 1859, a son of Jacob and Jeannette Alshuler, both of whom were natives of Germany but in early life came to the United States. Making his way to Indiana, the father was for a long period engaged in merchandising in Covington, and in that city Frank Alshuler obtained a public and high school education.

His identification with the commercial interests of Racine dates from 1887. Two years before his brother, Dan D. Alshuler, and B. Soldine opened a store in this city for the sale of men’s furnishing goods and in 1887 they were joined by Frank Alshuler, who has since remained active in the management and control of the business. In 1895 the firm erected the present large four-story building, which has since been utilized for the conduct of the trade in the first floor and basement and part of the second floor. The building is forty’ by one hundred and twenty feet and theirs is the oldest establishment of the kind in Racine and one of the largest in Wisconsin. No change in the partnership occurred until 1903, when Mr. Soldine passed away, and in 1905 the death of D. D. Alshuler occurred, leaving Frank Alshuler as the sole survivor. Since that time he has become associated with Sidney D. Alshuler, who is manager and a son of the founder, Dan D. Alshuler. He was born in Racine, May 19, 1895, his parents being Dan and Celia (Rothchild) Alshuler. He is a graduate of a commercial school of New York City and thus became well qualified for the conduct of the interests with which he is now connected. The business is carried on under the firm name of Dan & Sol’s. Both partners are enterprising merchants and for almost three decades Frank Alshuler has been connected with the commercial interests of Racine. In his purchases he keeps informed concerning the latest goods that the markets of the world afford. He has surrounded himself with a corps of able assistants and his business methods at all times conform to the highest commercial ethics. Recognizing the fact that honesty is the best policy, he has built his success upon the simple, old-fashioned principles of business that have to do with integrity and industry. His establishment is conducted on the value for value system and in accordance with the great laws which control all legitimate business-hence the success.

In 1899 Mr. Alshuler was married to Miss Belle Harmon, of Racine, a daughter of Peter Harmon, one of the early settlers here, but in 1915 Mr. Alshuler was called upon to mourn the loss of his wife. Fraternally he is connected with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and with the Royal Arcanum. He has maintained an independent political attitude but his interest in the welfare and progress of his city is manifest in his connection with the Commercial Club, in which he co-operates with many movements planned for the benefit and upbuilding of Racine. He is today one of its oldest and most honored merchants, having for almost thirty years been continually connected with its trade interests and his record proves that success and an honored name may be won simultaneously.



Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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