Biography of Ira W. Green

Ira W. Green, a member of one of the honored pioneer families of Oklahoma, is a representative of the large class of farmers in Washington county whose intelligence and skill, controlled by keen discernment and business sagacity, are making their private enterprises public assets. A native of Kentucky, he was born May 13, 1878, his parents being J. K. and Amanda E. (Bailey) Green, who took up their residence in Indian Territory in 1899, during the pioneer epoch in its development, there being but one house in Dewey at that time. The father rented a large tract of land two miles northeast of Dewey, cultivating between three and four hundred acres. He now makes his home in the town, having reached the age of seventy-five, while his wife is in her sixty-ninth year. He has taken a leading part in public affairs of his community, serving as mayor of Dewey in 1918, and he has also been active in support of educational interests, being instrumental in securing the erection of the present fine school building here. To Mr. and Mrs. Green were born eight children: Anna; Ira W.; Ida, now deceased; Artilla; George Samuel; Thomas L; William; and Mamie.

Mr. Green acquired his education in the public schools of Nebraska and Missouri and when he arrived in this section of the country there were few white settlers and no school buildings had been erected in the territory. He is now the owner of a valuable farm situated five miles northeast of Dewey and for the past eight years has made his home on this place, which in all of its equipments is thoroughly up to date, while the methods employed in its cultivation and development are the expression of the latest scientific research along agricultural lines. He has erected a fine residence upon his land and substantial outbuildings and engages in general farming, devoting considerable attention to dairying and stock raising. He has a registered Durham bull and the milk for his dairy is supplied by a herd of Jersey and Durham cows. He has brought his land under a high state of cultivation and gathers abundant harvests, raising large crops of corn, oats and wheat, while he grows Kaffir corn for his stock. After locating in Oklahoma he returned to Missouri but prefers to reside in this state, which in his opinion offers excellent advantages to the progressive, energetic agriculturist, and his untiring industry, persistency of purpose and capable management of his affairs have brought to him a notable measure of success.

In 1902 Mr. Green was united in marriage to Miss Eva Gordon, a daughter of J. H. and Minnie (Bell) Gordon, natives of Henry county, Missouri. Her father is residing on a fifty-acre farm located near Mr. Green’s property and before coming to Oklahoma he was long connected with educational interests, teaching in the schools of Missouri for sixteen years and becoming well known in that connection. He is deeply interested in the welfare and progress of his community and for one term was county clerk of Washington county. The mother has passed away, her demise occurring on the 4th of April, 1921. Mr. and Mrs. Green have become the parents of a son, Joseph Kenneth, who was born May 17, 1915, and is now attending school. They are earnest and helpful members of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Wayside, in which community they reside, and are acting as Bible teachers in the Sunday school, while their lives are guided by its teachings. Their influence has ever been on the side of spiritual development and up lift and while living in Dewey Mr. Green assisted in building the First Methodist Church there, hauling the first five loads of rock for its construction, while he also aided in erecting the second Methodist Church in that town. He likewise assisted the Rev. M. M. Alden in building the chapel of the First Methodist Church in West Bartlesville. He is now the owner of the place on which he worked as a boy and his business career has been marked by steady progress, owing to his industry, energy and close application. His labors have always been constructive and intelligently carried forward and have resulted in placing him in the front rank of the progressive agriculturists of Washington county. His life has ever been guided by high ideals and he is a man whom to know is to esteem and honor.



Benedict, John Downing. Muskogee and Northeastern Oklahoma: including the counties of Muskogee, McIntosh, Wagoner, Cherokee, Sequoyah, Adair, Delaware, Mayes, Rogers, Washington, Nowata, Craig, and Ottawa. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1922.

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