Biography of Joseph Perry

Joseph Perry was born in Westminster, Vt., May 30, 1788. His father, Silas Perry, married Catharine Hale (both natives of Massachusetts), in 1783. Silas served in the Revolutionary war, and, in 1800, moved with his family o Keene, locating upon a farm on road 4. Joseph prepared for college in the preparatory schools, and graduated from Dartmouth in 1811. He was the appointed preceptor of the academy connected with this college, where he remained until November, 1816. He then went to New York city and engaged in the business of a private classical and mathematical teacher, for which h had special qualifications. He remained there until 1832, when he received an appointment at Washington, as a clerk in the fourth auditors office. H soon became promoted to a principal clerkship in the Postoffice Department, which he retained until his resignation, in 1841. He then retired to his f in Keene, spending his time in literary occupations and with his farm. H was the first school commissioner appointed by the State executive, Samuel Dinsmore, in Cheshire county, in 1850-51. Having been much enlisted the course of common school education, he was qualified for the task of pioneer in the first rank of educational institutions. Mr. Perry married Lydia, daughter of General Absalom Peters, of Wentworth, N. H., and had born him two sons, Joseph G. and John R. He died on his farm January 17 1865, from an attack of lung fever, and his widow died July 25, 1871. The younger of the two sons, John R., received a common school education, now a mechanic, and resides in San Francisco, Cal. Joseph G. was educated chiefly at the academy. He spent some time in Illinois in business life, an was appointed to a clerkship at Washington, during the presidential term o Franklin Pierce. He is the author of a standard work on government, which, has a wide circulation, both in this country and in Europe. He now resides on the home farm.



Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Cheshire and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis. 1886.

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