Biographical Sketch of John Holbrook

John Holbrook, son of John, was born in Uxbridge, Mass., August, 17, 1788. He married Mercy Hill, came to Swanzey in 1802, and located in the southern part of the town on the farm now owned by Israel Gun. He was a carpenter and wheelwright, and died in 1838. Five of his ten children are living, two of them, Sophia, widow of Carlistine Blake, and Daniel H., residing in Keene. The latter was born at Swanzey January 8, 1806. He received a common school education, and was engaged as a farmer and manufacturer of and dealer in lumber until his removal to Keene in 1865. Here he followed the lumber business two or three years, when he retired from active business. Mr. Holbrook has, up to a late date, taken an active interest in the Keene Water Works, and from the time of his serving on the first committee in 1868, has held the office of commissioner, superintendent or kindred position, and even for the past two years, since he retired therefrom, his advice and counsel has been almost constantly brought into requisition. Mr. Holbrook married, September 5. 1837, Caroline Lawrence, daughter of Josiah and Sophia (Lawrence) Prime, of Swanzey, who died December 5, 1880. The fruit of this marriage was four children,-Ellen Sophia, Chloe Prime, John Josiah and Frances Victoria.-only two of whom, Chloe Prime and Frances Victoria (Mrs. David Nichols), are living. Both the maternal and paternal grandfather of Mr. Holbrook served all through the Revolutionary war.



Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Cheshire and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis. 1886.

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