Biography of Elbert H. Butler

ELBERT H. BUTLER. Neely Butler, the grandfather of our subject, was a native of North Carolina, where he grew to mature years and married Miss Amy Osier, also a native of that State, where he lived for several years until he moved to Tennessee, from where he came West with his family, locating in Stone County, Missouri, some years prior to the Civil War. Subsequently he moved to Carroll County, Arkansas, where he remained until the secession of the State from the Union. Being substantially in favor of the Union of States it became necessary for the protection of his life and property to migrate to the North, which he did, but returned soon after the close of the war to Stone County, Missouri, where he made his home until his death in 1880, in which county his wife, the grandmother of our subject, also died but a few years previous, both being quite aged.

Wilson S. Butler, father of our subject, was also a native of the Old North State, where he was born in 1819. While yet a young man he came West with his parents to the State of Missouri and soon after was married, in Wright County, to Miss Margaret P. Dedman, a native of Virginia. Mr. Butler chose for himself the occupation of a farmer and became a successful tiller of the soil, and at his death in 1881 (on his farm in the south part of Stone County) was a well-to-do and influential citizen. In politics he was a Republican, but never aspired to office, preferring to give his undivided attention to farming and stockraising. He was well known in Arkansas and Missouri and was well liked for his many estimable qualities. Mrs. Butler’s father, Seneca Dedman, was a native of Georgia, but later became a resident of the Old Dominion. He moved to Wright County, Missouri, and there passed the remainder of his days. His widow is still living. Of the twelve children born to Mr. and Mrs. Butler seven survive: Martha J., deceased; Elbert N., our subject; James L., a farmer of this county, was a soldier in the Rebellion; Bedy A., the wife of John Butler; Neely, a farmer of Stone County and a man of family; Seneca died young; Wilson died young; John, a farmer, resides in Carroll County, Arkansas; Reuben, a farmer of Stone County; Allen, single, resides in Stone County; Margaret married Columbus O’Neal and resides in Carroll County, Arkansas, and Ellen, wife of John Doggens, resides in Carroll County, Arkansas.

Our subject was reared a farmer and remained on the home place until 1863, when he enlisted in Company B, Forty-sixth Missouri Infantry, and served six or seven months. He was a private and was on detached duty most of the time at Springfield. After the war he engaged in farming, carried this on for some time, and, in 1865, was married to Miss Margaret T. Pittman, daughter of James and Julia (Martin) Pittman, natives of Tennessee, who came from Illinois to Dallas County, Missouri Mrs. Butler was born in the latter county in 1848. After his marriage Mr. Butler farmed for a number of years and then engaged in the milling business in the south part of the county, on Indian Creek, where he had a steam saw mill. For about ten years he was engaged in sawing fine lumber and met with success in this occupation. In 1883 he was elected sheriff and collector of Stone County on the Republican ticket, and then moved to Galena, where he has since made his home. He filled the position in a most satisfactory manner for four years and later was elected to the office of county collector, holding that position two years. He has also held the office of deputy collector and deputy sheriff. Aside from his large and well-improved farm Mr. Butler is the owner of town property and is a substantial and influential citizen. During his youth Mr. Butler was favored with good educational advantages and for some time taught school. He is a member of Galena Lodge No. 515, A. F. & A. M., and has held office in the lodge. He and wife have resided in Galena since 1883 and have won many warm friends in the city.



A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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