Biographical Sketch of Charles M. Kellogg

The present mayor of Baker City, Charles M. Kellogg, is eminently qualified to occupy the highest office within the gift of her citizens. His capable direction, of municipal affairs has clearly proven his executive ability, and it is evident to all he is the right man in the right place. As an executive officer he is conservative in his ideas, truly progressive in character, every movement which he believes after thorough investigation to be for the public good meets with his hearty approval and cordial support. As a public official he is always unable, gentlemanly and approachable. Mr. Kellogg is a native of Indiana being born on a farm in 1838. He went to California in ’50, and remained there until 1864. Moving then to Idaho, he remained to Idaho, he remained there for six years, In 1871 he was appointed local agent for the Express Company a position he fills today. He has lately secured the contract for carrying the mails on about three hundred miles of stage lines, a business he has had years of experience in the past. In 1869 he married Miss Mollie E. Yantis of Oregon, and they have six children, four boys and two girls.


Biography, Mining,

Baker County OR,

Eastern Oregon Gold Fields.

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