Biography of John A. Bunch

JOHN A. BUNCH. This gentleman is the receiver of public moneys in the Government Land Office at Harrison, Arkansas, and is a native of this State, born in Newton County, September 15, 1860, a son of Capt. Larkin and Eliza (Maxwell) Bunch, the former of whom was born in Overton County, Tennessee, a son of Nathaniel Bunch, who came to Arkansas in 1840, and made a home for himself and family in the northwest corner of Newton County, being one of the first to settle in that region. He also was a native of Tennessee, and was a soldier in the War of 1812 under Jackson, and after his death his wife received a pension for the services he rendered the Government. He was a farmer and died in 1858.

Larkin Bunch was a young man when he came to Arkansas with his parents, the journey thither being made by wagon. He followed in his father’s footsteps, and became a farmer and stockman, and when the Civil War came up he left home and joined the command of Gen. Price, with whom he took part in the Missouri raid. He assisted in organizing one of the first companies in Newton County, of which he was elected captain, and died while serving the Southern cause, at Pilot Knob. He was a member of the Free-Will Baptist Church. His wife was a native of Illinois, and a daughter of John and Clarissa Maxwell. She died April 12, 1892, on the old home farm in Newton County, which is still owned by the family.

John A. Bunch was one of five children: S. B., who is living on the old home farm in Newton County; J. W., who is a farmer and merchant of Madison County, has represented his county in the State Legislature; Clarissa E. is the wife of J. P. Stamps; John A., and William L., a merchant of Kingston, Arkansas John A. Bunch was reared on the old home farm in Newton County, attended the common schools, and at the age of eighteen years entered Clarke Academy at Berryville, where he finished his education in 8o. He then engaged in merchandising at Kingston, and remained associated in business with his brother for about eight years. In October, 1888, he was elected county and circuit clerk of Madison County, and held the office two terms, the last two years being only circuit clerk. In 1892 he again entered business in Kingston with his brother, and after following that occupation for six months was appointed receiver in the land office at Harrison by President Cleveland, and has since held the position. He has always been a Democrat, has attended State conventions, was a delegate to the Congressional Convention at Eureka Springs in 1892, and has been prominent in the political affairs of his section. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M., the I. O. O. F. at Harrison, has always been interested in the schools of his section, and is a public-spirited man. He was married to Miss Ala F. Ogden, a daughter of W. R. Ogden, and their union has resulted in the birth of six children: Jahel B., Irno, Vera, Sada, Avo, and an infant. The mother of these children is a member of the Free-Will Baptist Church. Mr. Bunch has made his home in Harrison since October. 1893, and is one of its most public-spirited citizens.



A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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