Washington Pioneers 1844 to 1852

Last Updated on December 2, 2012 by Dennis

Henry Williamson
James Loomis, and Henry, James, and John none of whom finally settled north of the Columbia

George Waunch
David Crawford
Charles Eaton
Niniwon Everman
Seyburn Thornton
William Shaw
David Parker
John Hunt

George W. Bush (colored) was born in 1790 in Pennsylvania, but in early removed to Missouri, and in 1844 to Oregon, finishing his long journey by going to Puget Sound. He was respected and honored by the pioneers for his generous and charitable traits and manliness of character. He resided on the prairie, which bears his name until April 5, 1863, when he suddenly died of a hemorrhage by the bursting of a blood vessel. His son George became a highly esteemed citizen, who was made president of the Washington Industrial Association, and whose wheat, raised on Hush prairie, was award the first premium at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia. Morse’s Washington Ter., MS., i. 54.

Mrs Tabitha Kindred, who was many years a widow, died June 12, 1872,  at the age of 89, having resided on Bush prairie 27 years. Olympia Transcript, Jane 15, 1872. The children were two sons, John and B. Kindred, and two daughters, Mrs Parrot of Oregon City, and Mrs Simmons of the Cowlitz. Olympian Courier, June 15, 1872. Mrs Gabriel Jones died July 18, 1868. Her home was two miles from Tumwater. Olympia Standard, July 25, 1808. She was 70 years of age, and had been several years a widow.

Ford was born in New York in 1801, and died Oct. 22, 1866. His wife, Nancy, was born in New York in 1806. They were married in 1823, and removed to Michigan in 1834, to Missouri in 1840, and to Oregon in 1845. Their children and descendants made their home on Ford prairie, about the headwaters of the Chehalis.

Sylvester was born in Deer Isle, Maine. For antecedents, see His. Or. i. 424, this series. His manuscript, entitled Olympia, which affords me many authoritative items of early history, is especially useful in the present volume.

Rabbeson was born in 1824, and was by trade a carpenter. He came to Oregon from New York City in 1840, and immediately went to Puget Sound, settling near Sylvester’s claim, where he still resides. His manuscript Growth of Towns, contains a narrative of the immigration of 1846, with good character sketches of some of the men in it, followed by an interesting account of the settlement of Washington, his reason for coming to the Sound being a preference for salt-water. Most writers place Wallace in the immigration of 1847, but Rabbeson says he came with him in 1846. Growth of Towns MS., This is the Wallace killed in the attack on Nisqually in the spring of 1849. Hist. Or., ii. 67-8, this series. In January 1854 Rabbeson married Lucy Barnes of Olympia.

Elisha and William Packwood, Jason Peters, Thomas Canby, and Elisha and James McKindley examined the country and returned to the Willamette to winter. Two of them only finally settled north of the Columbia. Evan’s Hist. Mem., 11. The names of David Colner and J. E. Conat also appear as settlers of this year, but more I do not know about them.

Hancock left Independence, Missouri, in the spring of 1845, but remained in Oregon City one year. He then started to go to Puget Sound with two others names unknown, by the way of the Columbia, Baker Bay, the Pacific and the strait of Fuca. They succeeded in drawing their canoe across the neck of sand north of Cape Disappointment, but the sight of the ocean in Nov. disheartened them, and they decided to try walking from the coast inland, hoping to reach the Sound in that way. But Hancock, seized with fever, was left in charge of the Indians, who, after extorting every article he possessed, conveyed him to Astoria, where he recovered. What became of his companions does not appear in his Thirteen Years’ Residence in Washington Territory, MS., from which I take his biography. After recovery, he again set out for the Sound by the way of the Cowlitz, arriving at Tumwater early in 1847, and going to work at shingle-making like the others. In the spring of 1849 Hancock went to Cal. for gold, where he had a great many adventures, if we may credit the marvelous stories contained in his Thirteen Years. On returning to Puget Sound in the autumn of 1849, he brought a stock of goods to sell to settlers and natives, and having disposed of a portion, set out to explore for coal, having heard that this mineral was to be found in the neighborhood of the Sound. In these explorations he spent some months, probably trading at the same time with the Indians. In 1850 or spring of 185l he took some goods to Neah Bay; but the Indians being hostile, he was compelled to save himself by an artifice, writing in the presence of the savages, and telling them that it was to bring the chief of all the white men to avenge him if slain. Their superstitious fear of paper missives, the power of which they had witnessed without understanding, conquered their love of plunder, and they carried him safely to Port Townsend. On his return he once more explored for coal on the Snohomish and Stilaguamish Rivers, where he found it, and discovered also the Cedar and Dwamish Rivers. In Nov. 1851 he took passage in the brig Kendall, which was in the Sound, and went to S. F. to purchase machinery for a sawmill, together with another stock of goods. Having completed his purchases, he shipped them on board a vessel, the Kayuga, for Puget Sound. Captain Davis was ignorant of nautical science, and had never been upon the coast of Oregon. When Hancock recognized the entrance to the strait of Fuca, Davis declined to enter, and to test the matter, a boat was sent ashore with Hancock, the mate, and three other persons, at an unknown island. A fog coming down hid the vessel, and the party were detained three days; and no sooner did the fog clear away than the natives discovered and attacked them, compelling them to put to sea. In the mean time the vessel was quite lost to sight. Two days more passed on another small island, but here again the Indians caused them to take to their boat. Several days more were passed in this manner before the party was finally rescued by some Indians from V. I., under orders from an officer of the H. B. Co., to whom they had reported the condition of the boat’s crew. Clothing and provisions were despatched to them, and they were brought to Sooke harbor, where they received unlimited hospitality for three days. On coming to Victoria the Kayuga was found to be there, having by chance got into the strait and to port, but without endeavoring to pick up that portion of her crew and passengers left without provisions on an unknown coast. But that was not all. A considerable portion of Hancock’s goods had been sold, for which no satisfaction could be obtained in a foreign port. The summing up of the whole matter shows that he was disappointed in his project of building a mill at Clallam Bay, and was subjected to much loss, which he endeavored to make up by furnishing timber for the California market. In the autumn of 1852 he removed to Neah Bay, determined to establish a trading post among the Indians, which he succeeded in doing, though not without building fortifications and having some narrow escapes. He afterward purchased an interest in the brig Eagle, Wolfe master, and traded with the Indians on the northern coast, until the brig was blown on shore and wrecked, and the savages had despoiled it of its cargo. From this expedition he returned alive, after many adventures with the savages and the exercise of much tact in averting their hostile intentions. Escaping to Clyaquot Bay, he found the schooner Demaris Cove, Captain Eli Hathaway, lying there, which returned with his party to Neah Bay; but the Indians having become more threatening than before at that place, Hancock determined to remove his goods to Whidbey Island, and did so-there being no vessel in port-by lashing together three canoes and covering them with planking, on which the movables were placed, a ship’s long-boat being also loaded and towed behind. A sail was rigged by setting cedar planks upright, and then the craft was navigated 100 miles to Penn Cove. There he settled, and married Susan Crockett. His death occurred in Sept. 1883, at Coupeville.

Packwood was a native of Patrick County, Virginia, born in 1813, removing with his father Elisha to Indiana in 1819. In 1834 he migrated to Missouri, and ten years later to Oregon, finally coining to rest on the Nisqually. There was a large family of the Packwoods, six of whom arrived in Oregon in 1845. See list on p. 526 and 530, Hist. Or., i., this series. In 1848 William went to California, where brother Elisha was then residing, but appears to have returned without much improving his fortunes. He constructed a ferry on the Nisqually, and remained on his claim-with the exception of a period of service in the Indian war of 1855-until 1867, when he sold it to Isaac P. Hawk. Later he made his residence at Centreville, on the Northern Pacific railroad. For many years Packwood occupied his summers in exploring the mountains east and west of the Sound, the pass at the head of the Cowlitz having been discovered by and named after him, and some valuable mineral deposits reported by him especially of anthracite coal. Morse’s Wash. Ter., MS., i. 54-87.

Patkanim exhibited the tact in this instance which marked him as a savage of uncommon intelligence. Parade has a great effect upon the human mind, whether savage or civilized. Patkanim gave a great hunt to the assembled chiefs. A corral was constructed, with wings extending across the island from Penn Cove to Glasgow’s claim, and a drive made with dogs, by which more than 60 deer were secured for a grand banquet at the inauguration of the council. Patkanim then opened the conference by a speech, in which he urged that if the Americans were allowed to settle among them they would soon become numerous, and would carry off their people in large tire-ships to a distant country on which the sun never shone, where they would be left to perish. He argued that the few now present could easily be exterminated, which would discourage others from coming, and appealed to the cupidity of his race by representing that the death of the Americans in the country would put the Indians in possession of a large amount of property. But the Indians from the upper part of the Sound, who were better acquainted with the white people, did not agree with Patkanim. The chief of the bands about Tumwater, Snohodumtah, called by the Americans Grayhead, resisted the arguments of the Snoqualimich chief. Ho reminded the council that previous to the advent of the Americans the tribes from the lower sound often made war upon the weaker tribes of his section of the country, carrying them off for slaves, but that he had found the presence of the Boston men a protection, as they discouraged wars. Patkanim, lingered at this opposition, created a great excitement, which seemed to threaten a battle between the tribes, and Rabbeson becoming alarmed fled back to the settlements. Two days later Glasgow followed, being assisted to escape by a friendly Indian, but leaving behind him all his property. Id., 11-12.
28. In July 1858 he married Ellen Horan. Olympia Pioneer Dem., July 30, 1858.

Captain Clanrick Crosby was a navigator, and first saw the waters of Puget Sound in command of a ship. He continued to reside at Tumwater down to the time of his death, Oct. 29, 1879, at the age of 75 years. His wife, Phoebe H., died Nov. 25, 1871. Their children are Clanrick, Jr, William, Walter, Fanny, Mrs George D. Biles, and Mrs J. H. Naylor. New Tacoma Herald, Oct. 30, 1879. Crosby was speaker of the House of Representatives in 1864. Bancroft’s Handbook, 1864, 353.

Levi Lathrop Smith was born in the state of New York, and studied for the Presbyterian ministry; but migrating to Wisconsin, became there attached to a half-caste girl, a catholic. To marry under these circumstances would be a violation of rule, and he made another to remove to Oregon. But his health was affected, and he suffered with epilepsy. He was elected to the Oregon legislature in 1848, but did not live to take his seat, being drowned in the latter part of August while going from his claim to Tumwater, attacked, it was supposed, by convulsions, which overturned his canoe. He built the first cabin in what is now the city of Olympia, on Main Street, halfway between Second and Third streets, a cabin 16 feet square, of split cedar, with a stone fire-place, a stick chimney, and roofed with four-feet shingles held on with weight-poles. The cabin had one door, and three panes of glass for a window; a rough puncheon floor, and a rough partition dividing oil bedroom and closet. The furniture consisted of a bedstead, made by boring holes in the upright planking and inserting sticks to support the bed, two tables, some benches, and stools of domestic manufacture. The furniture of the table was tin, and scanty at that. Two acres of land were enclosed, in which corn, beans, pumpkins, squashes, potatoes, pease, turnips, cabbages, melons, cucumbers, beets, parsnips, carrots, onions, tomatoes, radishes, lettuce, parsley, sweet fennel, peppergrass, summer savory, and sunflowers were cultivated. The livestock belonging to this establishment comprised 5 hogs, 3 pigs, 7 hens, a cock, a cat and dog, a yoke of oxen, and a pair of horses. These details are taken from a humorous document supposed to have been written by Smith himself, still in the possession of a gentleman of Olympia. As a picture of pioneer life, it is not without value. A diary kept by Smith has also been preserved, in which appear many hints of his sad and solitary musings upon his life in the wilderness and his disappointed hopes. Evans’ Hist. Notes, 4. Wash. Sketches, MS., 38-9; Sylvester’s Olympia, MS., 19-20; Swan’s Colonization MS., 4-5.

Wilson married Susan P. Keller in Oct. 1854. She was a daughter of Captain Josiah P. Keller of Maine, who settled at Port Gamble, or Teekalet Bay, in the autumn of 1853, with his family. He was born in 1812, and immigrated to Puget Sound from Boston. He was a useful and respected citizen, being tho founder of the village of Teekalet. His death occurred June 11, 1862, at Victoria. Port Townsend Northwest, June 1802.

Plummer was a native of Maine. He was a saddler in the quartermaster’s department under Parker H. French on the march to El Paso of the 3d infantry in 1849. From El Paso he went to Mazatlan, and thence by the bark Phoenix to San Francisco in May 1S50. In the spring of 1551 he took passage on the George Emory, Captain Balch, for Puget Sound. Sketches, MS., 37; see also Soluno Co. list., 157.

Briggs was born in Vt. He arrived in Oregon in 1547 with the immigration, in company with Lot Whitcomb, and worked at his trade of carpenter for a year or more, settling at last on the Santiam, where he remained until 1852, when be went to the Sound on the solicitation of his friend Hastings. He brought his family, and built, according to his own statement, the first frame house and brick chimney at or near Port Townsend, and brought the first horses and cattle to the place. Port Townsend, MS., 1, 35.

Hammond was a native of Ireland, born about 1820, arrival in the U. S. in 1829, and came to Cal. in 1549 with the gold-seekers. J. B. Beidelman & Co. of San Francisco wished him to start a fishery and cut piles for that market. He took passage on the hark Powhatan, Captain Mellen, for Puget Sound, but by the time he was ready to begin business the firm had failed, and Hammond cast in his lot with the settlers of Port Townsend. Wash. Sketches, MS., 95-7.

John N. Low was born in Ohio in 1S20. He removed to Ill., where he married, in 1848, Lydia Colburn, born in Penn. Low brought to Oregon a herd of choice stock for dairy purposes, which were the first selected American cattle taken to the Sound country, and seems to have had a more definite purpose in emigrating than many who came to the Pacific coast at that period. Morse’s Wash. Ter., MS., i. 118-19. Charles Carroll Terry was a native of New York State.

Maynard came to Oregon in Sept. 1850, and took his claim under the donation law as a married man, and as a resident prior to Dec. 1850, which would have entitled him to 640 acres. But on the 22d of Dec., 1852, he obtained from the Oregon leg. a divorce from Lydia A. Maynard, whom he had married in Vermont, on the 28th of August, 1828, and left in Ohio when he emigrated. In Jan. 1853 he married Catherine Broshears, and soon after gave the required notice of settlement on his claim, acknowledging his previous marriage, but asserting that his first wife died Dec. 24, 1852. In due course a certificate was issued to Maynard and wife, giving the west half of the claim to the husband and the east half to the wife. But the commissioner of the general land office held that the heirs of Lydia A. Maynard should have had the east half, she being his wife when he settled on the land, and until the following Dec. These matters coming to the ears of the first Mrs Maynard and her two sons, they appeared and laid claim to the land, and the case being considered upon the proofs, neither Lydia A. Maynard nor Catherine Maynard received any part of the land, the claim of the first being rejected because she had acquired no rights by her presence in the country previous to the divorce, nor could she inherit as a widow after the divorce an iniquitous decision, by the way, where no notice has been served-and the claim of the second being rejected because she was not the wife of Maynard on the 1st of Dec., 1850, nor within one year thereafter. The 320 acres which should have belonged to one of these women reverted to the government. Maynard died in 1873. Puget Sound Dispatch, March 14 and April 18, 1872; Seattle Intelligencer, March 17, 1873, Feb. 10, 1877; S. F Alta, March 2, 1873.

Yesler was a native of Maryland; went to Ohio in 1832, and emigrated thence in 1851 to Oregon, intending to put up a sawmill at Portland; but the wreck of the General Warren at the mouth of the river and other fancied drawbacks caused him to go to California and to look around for some land in that state; but meeting a sailing-master who had been in Puget Sound, he learned enough of the advantages of this region for a lumbering establishment to decide him to go there, and to settle at Seattle. Yesler’s was the first of the sawmills put up with a design to establish a trade with S. F., and being also at a central point on the Sound, became historically important. The cookhouse belonging to it, though only a dingy looking hewed log building about 25 feet square, a little more than one story high with a shed addition on the rear,’ was for a number of years the only place along the east shore of the Sound where comfortable entertainment could be bad. ‘Many an old Puget Sounder,’ says a correspondent of the Puget Sound Weekly, 1866, ‘remembers the happy hours, jolly nights, strange encounters, and wild scenes he has enjoyed around the broad fireplace and hospitable board of Yesler’s cookhouse.’ During the Indian war it was a rendezvous for the volunteers; it was a resort of naval officers; a judge Lander had his office in a corner of it; for a time the county auditor’s office was there; it had served for town hall, courthouse, jail, military headquarters, storehouse, hotel, and church. Elections, social parties, and religious services were held under its roof. The first sermon preached in King co. was delivered there by Clark, and the first suit at law, which was the case of the mate of the Franklin Adams for selling the ship’s stores on his own account, was held here before Justice Maynard, who discharged the accused with an admonition to keep his accounts more correctly thereafter. For all these memories the old building was regretted when in 1865 it was demolished to make room for more elegant structures. Yesler’s Wash Ter., MS., 13. D. S. Smith of Seattle is, though not the first settler at that place, the first of the men who finally settled there to have visited the place, on a whaling vessel, which entered the Sound in 1837. Seattle Pac. Tribune, June 24, 1877; Puget Sound Dispatch, July 8, 1876.

Terry had a trading post at Alki, as well as Low and S. M. Holderness. In 1856 he married Mary J. Russell, daughter of S. W. Russell, of the White River settlement. After her husband’s death in 1873, Mrs Terry married W. H. Gilliam, but died in 1875.

Phillips was a native of Pennsylvania, but for some years anterior to 1852 resided in Iowa. He went into mercantile business in partnership with Horton, having a branch house in Olympia. They dissolved in 1861, and Phillips took the Olympia business. In 1870 they reunited in a banking establishment in Seattle. In the mean time Phillips was elected to several county offices, and 3 times to a seat in the legislature of Wash. He was at the time of his death, March 1872, president of the pioneer society of W. T. Olympia Transcript, March 9, 1872; Seattle Intelligencer, March 11, 1872.

Charles M. Bradshaw was born in Pennsylvania, came to Oregon with the immigration of 1852, and settled soon afterward near New Dungeness, on Squim’s prairie, where he remained until 1867, when he removed to Port Townsend. He studied law, and was admitted to practice in 1864, after which 1.e was several times elected to the legislature, and twice made attorney of the 3d judicial district, as well as member of the constitutional convention in 1878. Wash. Sketches, MS., 59.

I. N. Ebey was from Missouri, and came to Oregon in 1848 just in time to join the first gold-hunters in California, where he was moderately successful. His wife, Rebecca Whitby, nee Davis, came to join her husband, bringing with her their two sons, Eason and Ellison, in 1851, in company with the Crockett family. Mrs Ebey, a beautiful and refined lady, was the first white woman on Whidbey Island. A daughter was born to her there. She died of consumption Sept. 29, 1853, and Ebey married for his second wife Mrs Emily A. Sconce. In 1853 George W. Ebey, a young man and cousin to I. N., immigrated to Puget Sound in company with other cousins named Royal. In 1854 came Jacob Ebey, father of I. N., his mother, whose maiden name was Sarah Blue, born in Virginia, his brother Winfield Scott Ebey, two sisters, Mrs Mary Wright and Ruth Ebey, two children of Mrs Wright, whose husband was in Cal., and George W. Beam, who afterward married the daughter, later Mrs Almira N. Enos of S. F. Mrs Enos has placed in my hands a series of journals kept by members of her family, covering a period between April 1854 and April 1864, in which year Winfield died of consumption. Jacob Ebey, who died in Feb. 1862, was born in Penn. Oct. 22, 1793. Ile served in the war of 1812, under Gen. Harrison. He emigrated to Ill, in 1S32, and in the Black Hawk war commanded a company in the same battalion with Captain Abraham Lincoln. Subsequently he removed to Adair County, Missouri, whence the family came to Washington. The death of his wife, which occurred in 1859, was hastened by the shocking fate of her son, Isaac N., who was murdered at his own home by the Haidah Indians, in one of their mysterious incursions, in the summer of 1857, concerning which I shall have more to say in another place. George W. Beam died in 1866. This series of deaths makes the history of this pioneer family as remarkable as it is melancholy.

Richard Hyatt Lansdale was born in Maryland in 1812, but bred in Ohio, and removed to Indiana, then to Illinois, and finally to Missouri in 1846. In 1849 he came to Oregon via California, entering the Columbia in Oct. He was first auditor of Clarke County, and first postmaster north of the Columbia. He purchased half of Short’s town site at Vancouver, which he lost and abandoned.

Nathaniel D. Hill was born in Pennsylvania in 1824, and came to California in 1850; was employed in the S. F. custom house: went to the mines and on a farm in Sonoma Valley, but finally embarked with his brothers for Puget Sound, and settled on Whidbey Island. Wash. Sketches, MS., 79-81.

Mrs Maddox married L. M. Ford of Skagit River in November 1855. Id., 41.

Edward Barrington died in Jan. 1885. Port Townsend Argus, Jan. 26, 1883. Coupe died in 1877.

Robertson was born in Norfolk, Virginia in 1809. At the age of 27 he began sea going, and first came to S. F. in command of the bark Creole. He was afterward in command of the brig Tarquina, which he owned, and which brought him to Puget Sound in 1852. Taking a claim on Whidbey Island, he continued to trade to S. F. until 1855, when he sent his vessel to the S. I. in charge of his first officer, who sold her and pocketed the proceeds. Robertson lost $30,000 by this transaction, but had a competency remaining. He was first keeper of the light erected in 1860 on Admiralty Head, on the west coast of the island. Id., 30-1.

Roder was a native of Ohio, and came to California in 1830. His partner, R. V. Peabody, and himself had the usual adventures in the mines, narrowly escaping death at the hands of the famous Joaquin Murieta. After spending two years in mining and trading, Roder and Peabody went to Oregon City to engage in salmon-fishing, but were diverted from their purpose by the high price of lumber consequent upon the great fire in S. F., and determined to build a sawmill. Visiting Puget Sound with this object in view, they were led by information obtained at Port Townsend to erect their mill at Bellingham Bay, on a stream which dried up as soon as the winter rains were over, a misfortune which, added to a fall in the price of lumber, nearly ruined Roder and Peabody. These facts, with a general account of the history of the lower sound and Bellingham Bay, are obtained from Roder’s Bellingham Bag, MS., an excellent authority, and also from a well-written autograph Sketch by Edward Eldridge, who settled at the same time with Roder. Roder, Eldridge, and Peabody still reside at Whatcom on Bellingham Bay. Roder married Elizabeth Austin of Ohio.

Eldridge was a sea faring man, and shipped at New York for S. F. where he arrived in 1849, and went to the mines. Not making the expected fortune, he joined the P. M. Steamship Tennessee in 1850, but married and returned to mining, which he followed for a year, when on going to S. F. to take passage to Australia he met Roder, a former acquaintance, and was persuaded to accompany him to Puget Sound. Mrs Eldridge was the first white woman in the Bellingham Bay settlement. Eldridge has occupied some official positions, and was a member of the constitutional convention of 1878.

Sayward was a native of Maine. He came to California via Mexico, arriving in the spring of 1849. The narrative of his business experience in 1849-51 forms a story of unusual interest, which is contained in a manuscript by himself called Pioneer Reminiscences, very little of which, however, relates to Washington. The mill which he built was leased in 1858 to Amos Phinney & Co., who subsequently purchased it. See also Sylvester’s Olympia, MS., 21, and Wash. Sketches, MS., 42.

J H. Whitcom was born in Vermont in 1824, removed to Ohio at the age of 13 years, married in that state, and went to Illinois in 1845, whence he came to Oregon in 1847, and to Shoalwater Bay in 1852. Morse, who has expended much labor in searching out pioneer families, says that in 1854 S. P. Soule, S. A. Soule, E. Soule, Charles Soule, Christian, and Geisy settled in the vicinity of Shoalwater Bay. The Geisy families, of which there were two, were members of the communistic association of Pennsylvania farmers, who had emigrated to Wisconsin; but being dissatisfied, had sent this Geisy as agent to look out lands in Oregon or Washington. He selected land on the Boisfort prairie, near Bullard, Crocker, and Woodward, and soon after brought out 40 families. The Geisy families, however, having met with several losses by death from accident and natural causes, and being unable to gain control of Woodward’s landing on the river, which they desired for their community purposes, became discouraged and left the country.

Warbass was born in N. J. in 1825, came to Cal. in 1849, where he was an auctioneer at Sac., but his health failing there, he visited Or., and ended by settling on the Cowlitz, though he explored the Snohomish and Snoqualimich Rivers in 1854 and in 1853 assisted Howard to explore for coal. He was postmaster under postal agent Coe in that year, and continued to reside on the Cowlitz until 1855, when he volunteered as captain of a company to fight the Indians. He became a post sutler afterward at Bellingham Bay and San Juan Island, where he then resided, and was county auditor and member of the legislature from San Juan County. Morse’s Wash. Ter., MS., ii. 54; Alta California, Nov. 2. 1852.

Rev. Daniel Bagley
Rev. D. R. McMillan
R. M. Hathaway
Smith Hays
Logan Hays
Gilmore Hays
Stephen Hodgdon
Samuel Holmes
John Harvey
Richard B. Holbrook (married Aka Sylvester nee Lowe of Maine)
John Hogue
Levi L. Gates
Charles Graham
William H. Gillan and family
Daniel B. Fales wife and children
Cortland Etheridge
W. B. Engle
Shirley Ensign
Joel Clayton
Joseph Cushman
Levi Douthitt
Frank P. Dugan
Gideon Bromfield
George A. Barnes and wife Anna
Thomas Briggs
J. C. Brown
John Buckley
James Allen
G. W. L. Allen
W. B. D. Newman
William Jarmin
Daniel Kaiser
A. W. Moore
John W. McAllister
Caleb Miller
Thomas Monroe
Stephen P. McDonald
Joseph Mace
William Metcalfe
Samuel McCaw
F. McNatt
Abner Martin
Asa W. Pierce
F. K. Perkins
James Riley
B. Ross and family
Daniel Stewart
Samuel D. Smith
David Shelton and wife Christina
M. C. Simmons
James Taylor
Thomas Tallentire and family
Amos F. Tullis
J. K. Thorndyke
William Turnbull
J. S. Turner
John Vail
Charles Vail
D. K. Welden
H. R. Woodward
G. K. Willard
Benjamin Welcher
Lewis Welcher
William C. Webster and family
Samuel Woodward
John Walker
James R. Watson
B. F. Yantis
Judah Church, from Pontiac, Michigan, died in 1853, aged 60 years.

William Rutledge, who settled on Black River, near Lake Washington, was also an immigrant of 1852. He died June 1, 1872, aged 78 years.


Bancroft, Hubert H. Bancroft Works, Volume 31, History Of Washington, Idaho, and Montana, 1845-1889. San Francisco: The History Company. 1890.

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