Biographical Sketch of Nelson Chase

Chase, Nelson, Lincoln, one of the residents of Lincoln, Vt. Was born in Waltham, Vt., on August 19, 1813. He settled in Lincoln, Vt., in 1868, and then purchased 100 acres of the Purinton estate, locally known as Elder Hill, and where he has since resided. His father, Benjamin Chase, was born in Rhode Island on March 13, 1790. He married Fannie Smith, who was born on July 4, 1794. They had a family of four children born to them. Benjamin Chase was a son of Nathan Chase, and was married on April 29, 1731, to Elizabeth Shaw. They had … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Cobb

Cobb, George W., Weybridge, was born in the town of Starksboro, Addison county, Vt., September 9, 1844. His parents were Harvey and Amanda (Bryant) Cobb. George Cobb was educated in the common schools; enlisted in June, 1862, in Company F, Ninth Vermont Volunteers. During the engagement at Harper’s Ferry he was in the hospital at Winchester, Va., suffering from sunstroke, and while there was taken prisoner; when able was paroled and sent north through the rebel lines to Camp Chase, Columbus, where he had a relapse of fever, and was discharged from the service; returned home supposing that he had … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Calice Bessette

Bessette, Calice, Orwell, a manufacturer of carriages and wagons, has been established in Orwell, Vt., since 1860. He is a native of St. Mary’s Province, Quebec, Canada, where he was born on April 10, 1836. He is the fourth generation from France. His father, Albert J. Bessette, came from Canada with his family and settled in Burlington, Vt., in 1847. Calice Bessette went to Lowell, Mass., in 1856, where he spent one year, after which he went to Shoreham, Vt., where he remained three years, where he learned his trade, that of blacksmithing and carriage-making at the shop of Antoine … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel N. Brooks

Brooks, Samuel N., Middlebury, was born in the town of New Haven, Addison county, Vt., on March 12, 1821. His parents were Daniel and Mary (Noble) Brooks. Daniel Brooks was born in Connecticut, and came to Addison county about 1810 and settled at East Mills, New Haven, where he carried on his business of wheelwright for many years. He was a resident of Middlebury, Vt., for thirty years, where he carried on his business. He had a family of three daughters and three sons; one daughter and three sons are now living. He died in 1849, and his widow died … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Philip B. Cloyes

Cloyes, Philip B., Middlebury, was born in Salisbury, Vt., on September 15, 1838. He was, a son of Elijah and Maria (Beach) Cloyes. Elijah Cloyes was born in Shrewsbury, Mass., in December, 1797, and came to Addison county, Vt., in 1802, settling in Salisbury, Vt. He married a daughter of Philip Beach. He was a resident of Salisbury, Vt., for forty years; was selectman and justice of the peace for many years. He had a family of eight children, seven of whom are now living. Elijah Cloyes died in February, 1874. His son, Philip B. Cloyes, was educated in the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harvey F. Cram

Cram, Harvey F. (physician and surgeon), Ferrisburgh, was born in the town of Ferrisburgh, Vt., in 1833. He was graduated from the Burlington University in 1853, and from the Burlington Medical College in 1858, after which he spent two years in the Kings County Hospital, New York. He settled in Ferrisburgh, Vt., in the practice of his profession in 1860. He also carries on a large farm interest in connection with his extensive practice. He represented his town in the Legislature in 1874 and 1875. He was a son of Dr. Jonathan and Fanny (Tupper) Cram. She was born in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Bain

Bain, James, Bristol, was born in Glasgow, Scotland, on November 22, 1820. His father, Andrew Bain, came to America with one son, Andrew, in 1830, settled in Lincoln, Vt., and in 1832 the mother came with four children from Glasgow to Lincoln, Vt. The children were William (who now resides in Lincoln, Vt.), Thomas (now a resident of Lincoln, Vt.), Archibald (deceased, died in Bristol, Vt.). They lived in Lincoln and Bristol, Vt., most of their lives. After their arrival in America they had three daughters born to them, Mary (now Mrs. Horace Dodge, of Northfield, Vt.), Harriet (now Mrs. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Elias Bottum

Bottum, Elias, New Haven, was born in Shaftsbury, Vt., in February, 1791, and died on February 6, 1865. He was a son of Simon and Elizabeth (Huntington) Bottum. He settled in New Haven, Vt., in 1805, and was married on February 5, 1811, to Diadama Squire, a daughter of Andrew and Nancy (Cole) Squire, who were among the early settlers of New Haven. They had a family of four children born to them, all of whom are now dead — Mary A. (the wife of Julius Sprague), Charlotte E. (married Ezra Hoyt), Caroline E. (the wife of James Meacham), and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harry W. Carter

Carter, Harry W., New Haven, was born in the town of Monkton, Addison county, Vt., on May 4, 1813, where he resided until 1869, when he moved to New Haven, on the farm on which he now resides. He was married on April 4, 1842, to Eliza Beers, who was a daughter of Elnathan B. and Sally (Capron) Beers, of Ferrisburgh, Vt. They have had one child born to them, Ovanda C., now Mrs. George Russell, who also has one child, Leroy. Harry W. was a son of Solomon C. and Lawrence (Peck) Carter; had a family of four children … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Eugene G. Cox

Cox, Eugene G., Monkton, was born in Monkton, Vt., in 1852. He was married in 1871 to Electa Wilson, of St. Lawrence county, N. Y. They have had four children born to them — Mary M., Henry C., Merritt P., and Sarah B. Eugene G. is a son of George B. and Marilla (Beaman) Cox. She was born in New Haven, Vt., in 1823, and he was born in Monkton, Vt., in 1820. They were married in 1844, and have had two sons born to them, Henry (who died when about three years old) and Eugene G. George B. has … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank H. Bacon

Bacon, Frank H., Waltham, Vergennes p. o., was born in Waltham on May 11, 1857. He was married on September 29, 1885, to Hattie C. Bingham, a daughter of Hiram and Marion (Ford) Bingham, of Cornwall, Vt. His parents were Oscar A. and Julia A. (Stewart) Bacon. Mrs. Bacon was a daughter of Helem and Eleanor (Humphrey) Stewart, of Weybridge, Vt. Her paternal grandfather was Brazilla Stewart, who settled in Bridport, Vt., in 1790, and was a son of James Stewart, who was a native of Connecticut, and settled in Addison, Vt., at an early day. Oscar Bacon has had … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William D. Bell

Bell, William D., Weybridge, was born in Weybridge, Vt., on October 2, 1808, and was the only son of Dennis and Huldah (Nash) Bell. Dennis was born in Connecticut, and came with his father, Solomon Bell, to Weybridge before the beginning of this century. They built the first dam across Otter Creek, at the Middlebury lower falls. They originally owned the water privilege, and built a saw-mill and conducted a cloth-dressing establishment for many years. Dennis Bell was married in 1801 to Huldah Nash, of New Haven. Just before his marriage he built a house which is still standing, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Luther Carpenter

Carpenter, Luther, Ferrisburgh, was born in Ferrisburgh, Vt., in 1795. He was a farmer in early life, but retired in 1872. He represented his town in 1836 and ’37, and also held many of the town offices. He was married on December 7, 1836, to Lydia Ann Davis. They have had two children born to them, only one of whom is now living, Eliza A. (born March 29, 1838; married Daniel Collins in 1856). Mrs. Lydia Ann was a daughter of William and Mercy (Taft) Davis. William was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1772, and his wife Mercy was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Wealtha Clark

Clark, Mrs. Wealtha, Addison, was born in Addison, Addison county, Vt., on August 11, 1826. She was a daughter of George and Susan (Spencer) Willmarth. She was married in 1850 to Elliott Clark, who was born in Addison, Vt., on February 26. 1818. He was a son of Ashel and Hannah (Tower) Clark. He was a farmer by occupation, and after his marriage resided for a time in the eastern part of the town, about fifteen years. They purchased the place on which Mrs. Clark now resides in 1872, having sold their Dead Creek farm in 1870, and in 1872 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles T. Cowley

Cowley, Charles T., Weybridge, was born in St. Albans, Vt., on July 26, 1844. His parents were John and Mary (Tier) Cowley. John was educated in the common schools, and brought up to farming, remaining at home until August 25, 1862, when he enlisted in the First Vermont Cavalry, and participated in all of the skirmish engagements up to the last day of the fight at Gettysburg, when he was wounded and taken prisoner by the rebels, and on July 4 was paroled and sent to Bedloe’s Island, then to Newark, N. J., and last to Burlington, where he was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Cortes V. Bates

Bates, Cortes V., Bristol, now owns and conducts one of the most complete livery stables in Addison County, Vt., located on the public park adjoining the Babtist church. He was born in Warren on October 25, 1852, and came to Bristol, Vt., in April, 1885, from Waterbury, Washington county, Vt., where he had been connected in the livery business with his father. His father, Harley F. Bates, was a native of Brookfield, Vt., where he was engaged in the merchant business in the early part of his life. For the past fifteen years he has been engaged in the livery … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Cyrus Booth Botsford

Botsford, Cyrus Booth, Vergennes, was born in Newtown, Conn., in April, 1831, and when ten years of age he came to Vergennes, Vt., and lived with his uncle, Cyrus Booth, of Vergennes, Vt., until 1853, when he went to California and worked in the gold mines; remained there about four years, when he returned to Vergennes, Vt. This trip proved a success financially as well as physically. He went to California via the Nicaragua route and returned via the Panama Isthmus. He now owns a homestead of 350 acres, and is an extensive dairyman and stockgrower of Durham and graded … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Z. Brown

Brown, Joseph Z., Weybridge, was born in St. Thomas, Canada, on January 6, 1829. His parents were Mitchell and Brown. He received no education whatever, and was brought up to farming; remained at home until the year 1846, when he came to Addison county, Vermont, and settled in Cornwall, and remained there three years and worked for Chauncey Stowell. He came to Weybridge, Addison county, Vt., and worked for Philo Jewett for one year, after which he worked for Sardis Dodge, John Childs, and many others. While with Colonel Dodge he learned the carpenter and joiners’ trade with Leonard Johnson, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Warren D. Clark

Clark, Warren D., Addison, was born in Addison, Addison county, Vt., on August 27,1836. He was educated in the common schools of Addison, and after finishing his education he engaged in farming at his home. On July 16, 1862, he enlisted in Company B, Eleventh Vermont Regiment, and afterwards was in Battery B, First Artillery, and at Washington was assigned to guard duty. He went to the front under General Grant, and was at Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Stroudsburg, Winchester, Cedar Creek, and was with the Army of the Potomac at the surrender of Lee. He served until the close … Read more

Biography of J. Q. Atwood

Atwood, J. Q., Cornwall, was born in Cornwall, Addison county, Vt., on August 13, 1825, and was the oldest son of Benjamin and Cynthia (Eastman) Atwood. Benjamin Atwood was born in Sandown, New Hampshire, on December 5, 1791, and came with his father, Benjamin Atwood, sr., to Addison county, Vt., at the beginning of this century, remaining in Cornwall two or three years, and at the end of that time removing to Rutland county, Vt. He then with his parents started for the State of Pennsylvania, but while on their way there his parents died. Their seven children then made … Read more