1875-1876 Brattleboro Vermont Directory

This is the 1875-1876 Brattleboro Vermont Directory as published in 1876 by Fitzgerald & Co. This directory contains an alphabetical listing of all known residents in Brattleboro Vermont for the year of 1875. It also contains a business directory, listing of churches and pastor, streets, societies, newspapers, and other organizations of the city of Brattleboro.

City directories serve as key resources for identifying individuals in a specific location and timeframe. They can provide a general idea of where your forebears resided and pinpoint their exact locations during census years, while also establishing connections with other sources apart from censuses.

Typically, city directories are organized into several sections. For genealogists, the section of greatest interest is the alphabetical list of names, as it might contain information about your ancestors.


Brattleboro Directory for the year 1875-6: Embracing a General Directory of the Citizens, a Business Directory, and an Appendix of Much Useful Information; Springfield, Mass.: Fitzgerald & Co., Publishers, 1876.


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