Tami Gage, 34, passed away April 12, 1997 at Levan, Utah. She was a frequent visitor to Ellensburg. As a teenager, she was very active in 4H and FFA; show her sheep here on many occasions. She attended the University of Utah and received her Master’s degree in biology and animal research from there.
She is survived by her parents, Fred Gage of Tonasket and Linda Pauly of Levan, Utah; brothers Marty (Tara) of Levan, Utah and Stacy (Crystal) of Tonasket; uncles, Cliff, Bob and Seth of Ellensburg and Harrell of Dufur, Ore.; aunts Tressa, Esther, and Ellen, of Ellensburg, and Betty Churchill, of Steilacoom; niece Shelby, of Levan, Utah; nephew Dyllan, of Tonasket, and many cousins and friends.
Tami was the granddaughter of Robert Gage and Buena Riggs.