
Huchnom Tribe

Last Updated on September 20, 2011 by Huchnom Indians. A division of the Yuki of northern California, speaking a dialect divergent from that of the Round Valley Indians.  They lived on South Eel river above its confluence with the middle fork of the Eel river, or in adjacent territories, and on the headwaters of Russian

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Yuki Indians

Last Updated on May 28, 2012 by Dennis Yuki. Derived from the Wintun language and meaning “stranger,” or “foe.” Also called: Chu-mai-a, Porno name. Noam-kekhl, Wintun name, meaning “west dwelling,” or “western tribe.” Yuki Connections.—The Yuki constituted an independent stock called Yukian. Yuki Location. All the land lying in the drainage of Eel River above

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