Roll Of Capt. Robert Irwin’s Company

(Probably from Belmont County) Served from June 1, until August 12, 1813. Capt. Robert Irwin Lieut. Thomas Pribble Ensign, Thomas McNight Sergt. David Kirkland Sergt. Absalom Dilly Sergt. Francis Smith Sergt. William Reneson Corp. Solomon James Corp. Samuel Coonts Corp. John Richardson Corp. William Crothers Drummer. Jacob Castle Privates Barker, Amos Bates, Jesse Billman, Henry Boggs, James Boyles, Thomas Bruver, John Bryan, Richard Campbell, James Coss, Daniel Devall, John Ferguson, George Fleshaman, Jesse Forest, John Goomon, William Hall, John Hammond, David Heness, John Higgins, William Hillhouse, John Jenkins, John Johnston, William Jones, Thomas Keller, John King, Cornelius King, Samuel Lattimore, … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Clark Parker’s Company

(Probably from Geauga County) Served from August 22, until October 2, 1812 Part served from December 1, until February 27, 1813. Capt. Clark Parker Lieut. Caleb G. Foges Ensign, Caleb Baldwin Sergt. William P. Scott Sergt. Jared Nicholson Sergt. Theodore Royes Sergt. Jonathan Russell Sergt. Stephen Worthington Sergt. Jonothan Hill Sergt. Moses Allen Sergt. Stephen King Corp. Charles H. Paine Corp. Ephraim Morrison Corp. Lewis Smith Corp. Henry Fitch Corp. Chester Dean Drummer, Joseph Burke Fifer, Avery Button Privates Abot, Josiah Adams, Sebastion Ames, Isaac Andrews, Amos Archer, William Arthur, William Bacon, Dexter Baker, Noah Barker, Samuel Barker, William Bates, … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Conrad Flesher’s Company

(Probably from Ross County) Served from July 28, until September 5, 1813, and from March 12, until April 16, 1814. Capt. Conrad Flesher Lieut. James Crusan Lieut. Perceval Adams Ensign. John L. Corn Ensign. Reuben Pursell Ensign. David Jones Sergt. Henry Rogers` Sergt. Peter Harper Sergt. Thomas Moore Sergt. William Hankins Sergt. Robert Hoddy Sergt. James Carpenter Sergt. John Williams Corp. John Roebuck Sergt. Nicholas Young Corp. Martin Hire Corp. John Nuland Corp. Samuel Blair Corp. John Haselton Corp. Sylvester Root Corp. Robert McElhiny Corp. William Borland Fifer, Henry Bevington Drummer, Jeremiah Smith Musician, Samuel H. Timmons Musician, Elijah Johnston … Read more

Roll Of Capt. James Kinsen’s Company

(County Unknown) Served from July 27, until August 16, 1813. Capt. James Kinsen Ensign, Phillip Gossard Sergt. John P. Neal Sergt. John Hall Sergt. Thomas Moore Sergt. William Hawkins Corp. Francis Waddle Corp. James Blair Corp. John Newland Corp. Jacob Caylor Musician, Jesse Arnold Privates Ayers, Richard Brooks, James Burnet, Thomas Downard, James Dunn, James Feaganz, Edward Foster, Thomas Gilbert, Thomas Hopkins, David Hopkins, James Hopkins, John Jameson, Charles Moore, Ezekial Orr, Joseph Pool, Edward Rupard, George Snider, Henry Snider, Jacob Thompson, Edward Workman, John Wright, David Wright, John

Roll Of Capt. Edmund Wade’s Company

(County Unknown) Served from July 28, until August 28, 1813. Capt. Edmund Wade Sergt. James Baldwin Sergt. Arthur McFarland Sergt. John Frazier Sergt. James Cole Corp. Mathew Campbell Corp. Daniel Smith Corp. Robert January Privates Acton, William Baird, Robinson Baldridge, James Balls, Jemcil Burnes, James Cavin, John Connell, John R. Depue, John Edgerton, Joshua Edginton, Joseph Elliott, Robert Sr. Ellison, Robert Glasgow, Joseph Glasgow, William Gutridge, Charles Harper, George Hayslip, John Johnston, Elisha Kirkpatrick, James Lawrence, Jacob Maddox, William Mahaffey, John McCague, William McCayne, Thomas McClelland, Thomas McClenahan, John McClennahan, John McCormick, Adam McCulloch, Alexander McFadden, Moses McLaughlin, John McRight,James … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Zadoc Markland’s Company

(Probably from Adams County) Served from July 28, until August 28, 1813. Capt. Zadoc Markland Lieut. Thomas Lytle Corp. Samuel Naylor Corp. Andrew Ellison Sergt. Allen Pucket Corp. John Baldwin Drummer, Charles Olden Privates Barrett, John Casperson, Tobias Copaz Isaiah Eastburn, Jesse John, Thomas Lovejoy, David Mellow, Henry Miller, William Myers, Abraham Pennecoit, Reuben Raider, George Sutterfield, David Thatcher, Charles Wasley, Jonothan Wood, John

Roll 0f Capt. Peter Wikoff’s Company

(Probably from Adams County) Served from July 28, until August 21, 1813. Capt. Peter Wikoff Sergt. James Wikoff Corp. Lavan Robinson Privates Antis, John Baker, John Boldman, James Cain, Jesse Dillion, Isaac Jones, Andrew Moore, John Newman. James Smolly, David Stephenson, Charles Williams, William Young, David

Roll Of Capt. Calvin Shepherd’s Company

(County Unknown) Served from August 9, until October 9, 1812. Capt. Calvin Shepherd Lieut. John Roadamour Ensign, John Boston Sergt. Nathan Newson Sergt. John Gibson Sergt. John Phillips Sergt. Joseph Vandenbenen Corp. Joseph Ganyum Corp. Charles Budenot Corp. David S. Grayum Corp. Solomon Haywood Drummer, Moses Everett Fifer, John Rutherford Privates Aleshire, Ephraim Aleshire, John Aleshire, William Amen, David Atkinson. Wiley Bailey, John Bailey, Robert Bellar, Elias Berry, Malachier Bray, William Browbaker, David Cavin, William Chitwood, James Clark, Samuel Clifford, John Denny, William Domly, John Donaldson, Ebenezer Donnolly, Andrew Durst, Joseph Ellison, John Ellison, Joseph Entringer, David Entringer, John Fulton, … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Joseph Kirkwood’s Company

Served from October 22, 1812, until February 22, 1813. Part served from December 1, 1812. Capt. Solomon Bentley Capt. Joseph Kirkwood Lieut. George Love Ensign, Joseph Grimes Sergt. James Kyle Sergt. Samuel Nixon Sergt. Hugh Brown Sergt. John Boyd Sergt. William McCoy Corp. David Dille Corp. Dennis Forest Corp. Joseph Rankin Corp. Israel Day Drummer, Evan Rogers Privates Brill, Michael Campbell, Dougal Carpenter. John Carrington, Nicholas Cluny, Alexander Coles, Jeremiah Coss, Abraham Dallas, John Dark, James Davis, Jacob Devore, John Didzler, John Dillon, Samuel Duddle, Caleb Erskine, Thomas Fryman, George Gaston, John Gilliland, Morgan Gilliland, Thomas Goosehorn, Leonard Graham, Thomas … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Joseph Johnson’s Company

(County Unknown) Served from October 18, 1812, until February 18, 1813. Capt. Joseph Johnson Lieut. John Gard Ensign, George Sluthower Sergt. George Gibson Sergt. William Henderson Sergt. Lemuel Johnson Sergt. James 0’Donald Corp. Jacob Blotzley Corp. William Hogland Corp. Jacob Kline Corp. Jesse Poster Fifer, David Waggoner Privates Armstrong, James Baker, George Bell, Robert Beymer, John Boltzley, John Burroughs, John Burroughs, Samuel Carson, John Carson, Samuel Cummins, William Doty, Arthur Eakin, David Forman, Jacob Gibbs, James Gibbs, William Green, Thomas Griffin, Johnson Guesbach, Henry Hand, Cornelius Haversback, Conrad Hill, William Johnson, John Jones, Elijah Kale, George Lacey, Thomas S Lafferty, … Read more

Roll Of Capt. John F. Mansfield’s Company

(Probably from Hamilton County) Served from May 2, until September 15, 1812. Capt. John F. Mansfield Lieut. Stephen McFarland Ensign, Thomas Heckweler Sergt. James Chambers Privates Armstrong, John Byers, Israel Cameron, Robert A Cameron, William A Crone, John Englis, Samuel Ennis, John B. Everly, Michael Gibson, James Gillaspey, Robert Goodspeed, Gideon Hafrer, Henry Harburt. Asher Hatch, William S Heighway, John Howell, Stephen Kautz, Jacob Lawrence, John Lawrence, Thomas Madden, Samuel Mann, Isaac Marshall, William McQuelkin, Samuel Minshall, Jacob Moody, Nathaniel Platt, John H Rutter, George Sayre, Elias Sliezeman, John Sloo, Thomas. Jr. Smith, Elias P. Smith, James Stephens, Blackall Stephens, … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Benjamin Schooler’s Company

(Probably from Champalgn County) Served from February 21, until March 21, 1813. Capt. Benjamin Schooler Lieut. John Tulbe Ensign, George McCullough Sergt. Solomon McCulloh Sergt. Andrew Moore Sergt. Thomas Dickinson Sergt. Nicholas Stilwell Corp. Silas McCulloh Corp. Jacob Slagle Corp. William Tinnis Corp. Layton Pollock Privates Asksen, David Black, Samuel Cain, Joshua Coddington, William Daniel, Thomas Davis, Turner Dickinson. Joseph Dowder, William Easley, Thomas Hatfield, Samuel Henry, James Hill, James Jenkins, Jesse Lewis, Benjamin Maggard, Moses Makenson, John McDaniel, John McLane, Charles Moore, George Moore, John Moore, William Moots, Conrad Provolt, John Purdett, Booth Robinson, Samuel Robinson, Thomas Rutherford, Evan … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Isaac Evans’ Company

(Probably from Coshocton County) Served from October 18, 1812, until February 17, 1813. Capt. Isaac Evans Lieut. Joshua Lemert Ensign, Ell Shryock Sergt. Richard Johnson Sergt. Samuel Gillum Sergt. Silas Smith Sergt. Thomas Hunt Corp. Barney Cantwell Corp. Nathan Devore Corp. Peter Carr Waggoner, William Carr Privates Adams, Littleton Ammon, Jacob Baker, Rezin Biggs, James Blow, Daniel Butler, James Cass, John Chainey, Samuel Cornelius, Isaac Cox, Thomas Dorn, Cornelius Freeman, Henry Gross. John Hahn, George Helms, Nicholas Hollenback, George Horton, David Irven, James Jeffries, Thomas McGee, James McLane, John Nowels, Moses Parker, Joshua Reed, James Rickner, Henry Sell, David Shadley, … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Jesse Or John D. Courtright’s Company

(From Fairfield County) Served from September 27, 1812, until February 26, 1813, Part served from October 22, 1812. Capt. John D. Courtright Lieut. John List Ensign, John Glick Sergt. David Egbert Sergt. Peter Hartsock Sergt. Isaac Hardin Sergt. Thomas Pullen Corp. John Smother Corp. John Foust Corp. Pressley Priest Corp. Daniel Escol Fifer, Isaac Stephens Privates Allen, Samuel Bochard, Jacob Boyles, Thomas Bradley, John Burke, Jacob Buzzard, David Buzzard, George Buzzard, William Carlisle, Bazil Chaina, John Chestnut, Elisha Gessele, Jacob Glick, Solomon Howitt, Richard Kirk, George Jr. Kirk, George Sr. Linback, George Long, William Lutz, John Marshall, John Missmore, John … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Joseph Sutton’s Company

(County Unknown) Served from September 30, 1812, until March 30, 1813. Capt. Joseph Sutton Lieut. Wilson Holden Ensign, Henry Kliever Sergt. John C. Holden Sergt. Thomas Barry Sergt. Jacob Bickell Sergt. David Moore Corp. Mathias Kliever Corp. Hazle Green Corp. Ell Brady Corp. Jeremiah Bartholomew Privates Alexander, Henry Barnes, John Bartholomew, Stephen Beem, Richard Bonham, Elisha L. Carrol, George Carson, Benjamin Conner, John Conner, Joseph Craft, Ridgeway Damans, Thomas DeWees, Samuel Edgol, William Fisher, Levin Harris, William Herron, Samuel Horsey, Henry Hull, Benjamin Hull, George Hull, Samuel Johnston, Robert Lianburger, Peter Livingston, George McCalla, Andrew McDaniel, William McElvey, Samuel Miers, … Read more

Roll Of Capt. James Brown’s Company

(County Unknown) Served from October 29, 1812, until February 20, 1813. Capt. James Brown Lieut. Amasa Davis Ensign. Peter Bryan Sergt. Thomas Sells Sergt Isaac Minshall Sergt. Lewis Steenrod Sergt. Joseph Hawkins Corp. Mathias Spangler Corp. Peter Waterson Corp. William Miller Corp. Santuel Janings Privates Banes, Daniel Bowman, Daniela Bronkar, Louis Chilbey, Moses Chilby, James Crawford, Joseph Cummins, John Cummins, Samuel Curtis, Joshua Dains, Jacob090 Fulk, Joshua Gormor, John Hammond, Zoeth Hughes, William Ingalls, Abraham Jay, George Lemon, Stephen Lewis, William, Linn, Joseph Marshall, Simon McCulley, Patrick McKee, Thomas Montoney. Isaac Newton, William Owens, Thomas Parker, George Parkinson, John Pierce, … Read more

Roll Of Capt. David Elliot’s Company

(Probably from Ross county.) Served from July 28, until August I7, 1813. Capt David Elliott Lieut. John Allemang Ensign, Jacob Hare Sergt. William Row Sergt. Phillip Hare Sergt. Henry Long Sergt. John WIlliams Sergt. John Lewis Sergt. Jacob Myers Corp. Charles Mahan Corp. Nathan Rotan Corp. William Johnson Corp. Solomon Clover Drummer, Daniel Johnstown Fifer, Frederick Recob Privates Bishop, David Bishop, Frederick Cochran, Andrew Cochran, Hush Cove, Henry Cover, Christian Files, Robert Grub, Daniel Grub, Jacob Hopkins, WMiam Hoskinson, John Kerr, George Lewis, John Long, John McCracken, Isaac Michel, Frederick Moots, Charles Myers, Jacob Myers, John Newland, Jacob Platter, Henry … Read more

Roll Of Lieut. Jordan Manning’s Company

(Probably from Clinton County) Served from November 28, 1814, until April 10, 1815. Lieut. Jordan Manning Ensign, John Hill Sergt. Benjamin Harbor Sergt. Thomas Jett Corp. Richard Dowler Corp. WMiam Cook Musician, John Pickens Privates Allison, Charles Brandeberry, Frederick Brooks, Thomas Brooks, William Butler, James Chaplin, Francis R. Conner, Adam Davidson, Murray Gardner, Daniel Hewitt, Aaron Howe, Baizille Kidd, Isaac McMahan, William Phelps, Hiram Phillips, Jesse Seward, Samuel Signer, George Tate, George Terry, Samuel Wallace, John Weese, John

Roll Of Ensign Amaziah Morgan’s Company

(Ross County) Served from July 28, until August 9, 1813. Ensign, Amaziah Morgan Sergt. David Campbell Sergt. Robert Darling Sergt. Levi Wells Sergt. Righ Ford Corp. James Irwin Corp. Adam Gilfillan Corp. Peter Clover Corp. Valentine Knight Privates Baigle, Henry Black, Abraham Devorss, Daniel Devorss, John Devorss, Joseph Dill, Robert Farley, Joseph Freshour, Abraham Ladd, Elison Slater, James Slater, Jeremiah Slater, John Woolcut, Johnson

Roll Of Capt. Ammi Maltbie’s Company

(County Unknown) Served from August 25, until September 29, 1812. Capt. Ammi Maltbie Lieut. Benjamin Haines Ensign, John Buckles Sergt. John Gowdy Sergt. Samuel Larne Sergt. Joshua Sergt. John B. Burrel Corp. Henry Bist Corp. Robert Corp. James Webb Corp. Henry Buckles Fifer, John N Bugler, Thomas Morgan Privates Anderson, James Anderson, John Anderson, Mason Bane, James Barrett, Phillip Beakes, William Bell, David Bird, Andrew Buckles, David Burney, James Bussel, Samuel Carprass, Adam Clark, William Elam, John Gillian, Andrew Gillian, Jesse Hale, John Honk, John Innman, John Jolly, John Kennedy, James King, William Lamme, David Lamme, William Lawrence, William Marshall, … Read more