First Regiment Brigade Florida Mounted Militia

Muster Roll of Captain James Fitzgerald’s Company of the lst(?) Regiment, Brigade of Florida Mounted Militia, commanded by Col. John Warren, ordered into service of the United States by Brig. General Z. Taylor from the 12th day of November 1839 to the 12th day of May 1840 when discharged. [The Company was mustered by Lt. J. M. Clendenin.] Fitzgerald, James Captain Bates, James 1st Lieutenant Logue, J. 2nd Lieutenant Conway, Chas. M. 1st Sergt. Lusk, Norman Sergt. Conrris, John Corporal Osman, Robert E. Corporal Schletts, Joseph Sergt. Hargan, Wm. Scott, Martain Corporal Dougherty, John Corporal Privates Addleman, Morris Allen, Lorenzo … Read more

Florida Militia Muster Rolls, Seminole Indian Wars

This series of the Florida Indian Wars Militia Muster Roles has been produced through the courtesy of the Jacksonville Genealogical Society. The Historical Services Division of the Florida Department of Military Affairs provided the photostatic copies of the original muster roles and individual members of the Jacksonville Genealogical Society laboriously transcribed the information contained therein and later, proofed and typed them. They have been accorded the right to produce these lists in book form for commercial sale. The Department would like to express its deepest appreciation to the Society for their willingness to help us provide this important historical material … Read more

Fourth Regiment 2nd Brigade Florida Militia

Muster Roll of Captain Daniel S. Gardner’s Company of the 4th Regiment, 2nd Brigade of the Florida Militia, commanded by Col. Warren, ordered into service of the United States by Brig. Gen’l Hernandez from the 10th day of November 1835 to the 5th day of March 1836. On 11th August 1836 at Jacksonville, Florida, the muster was certified to be true and was signed by Captain D. L Gardiner, Commanding the Company. Gardner, Daniel S. Captain. Waterman, Adin 1st Lieut. Madin, James R. 2nd Lieut. Smith, Gurney 1st Sgt.; not mounted, discharged Jan. 9th. Donaldson, W. L. Sgt. & 1st … Read more

Captain C. Ellis’s Company, 1st Regiment Florida Militia

Muster Roll of Captain C. Ellis’s Company of the 1st Regiment, Brigade of the Florida Mounted Militia, commanded by Col. W. J. Bayley, ordered into service of the United States by Brig. Gen’l W. K. Armistead from the 17th day of August 1840 to the 5th day of December 1840 when discharged. Major S. Churchill, 3d Artillery, mustered the Company into service Aug. 17, 1840 for three months. Company was paid by P. M. Brown for 27 days of forage, and for service from 17 Aug to Dec 5, 1840. Ellis, Th. C. Captain Tucker, Jonathan A. 1st Lieut. McNeil, … Read more

Captain James Fitzgerald’s Company of Mounted Militia

Muster Roll of Capt. James Fitzgerald’s Company of Mounted Militia ordered into service by Col. David C. Twiggs, 2nd Dragoons, from the 18th of April 1839. [The company was enrolled 18 April 1839 at Fort Walker by Captain G. S. Rains to serve for a period of 6 months.] Fitzgerald, James Captain Curry, John 1st Lieutenant Turner, James Sen’r, 2d Lieutenant Willis, Johnathan T. Sergt. Andrews, Wm. Sergt. Hart, Eli? Corporal. Thompson, William Corporal. Curry, Laughton Musician Flint, Martin Sergt. Moore, John W. Sergt. Dolan, Joseph Corporal. Eaton, Joseph Corporal. Filman, John E. Musician Privates Benner, Henry Blocker, Stephen Bonner, … Read more

Captain Sherrod Edwards Company, First Regiment, Florida Militia

Muster Roll of Captain Sherrod Edwards Company, 1st Regiment, ___ Brigade of Florida Mounted Militia, commanded by Col. Wm. J. Bailey, ordered into service of the United States by the Secretary of War from the 10th day of December 1840 to the 13th day of March 1841 when discharged. The Company was mustered by Capt. S. P. Heintzelman. Edwards, Sherrod Captain; Kept in Service A Private Servant and 2 Horses, Rouse, James A. 1st Lt.; Kept in Service A Private Servant and 2 Hourse. Langford, Nicholas 2nd Lt., Kept in Service a Private Servant & 2 Horses. Knight, Elias P. … Read more

Biography of Major Theodore J. Eckerson

MAJOR THEODORE J. ECKERSON. – Major Eckerson, so long and favorably known among the old pioneers of our coast, enjoys also a like enviable reputation in military circles. He was born January 22, 1821, in New York City, and on December 20, 1838, in his eighteenth year, entered the United States army. He served throughout the Seminole Indian war, 1840-42, and in the Mexican war from its commencement to its close. He was a member of the storming parties in the battles of Cerro Gordo and Churubusco. He came to Oregon with the first troops sent after the settlement with … Read more

Biography of Col. Cornelius Gilliam

COL. CORNELIUS GILLIAM. – Colonel Gilliam was a native of North Carolina, and was born in 1798. But his recollection of that state in after years was like a dream; for when but a youth he accompanied his parents to Missouri, where he lived for many years. August 31, 1820, he married Miss Mary Crawford of that state. Ten years later he was elected sheriff of Clay county for a term of two years; and at the expiration of that time he joined the Black Hawk war. In 1837 he served as captain of the company which fought all through … Read more

Biography of Robert Ives Lee

Robert Ives Lee. In the death of Robert Ives Lee, which occurred at Chicago, Illinois, December 19, 1911, there passed away one of the most prominent horsemen of the Middle West. He was born May 5, 1846, at Boston, Massachusetts, and was a son of the late Brev.-Brig.-Gen. William Raymond Lee III, U. S. V., A. M., A. A. S., and Helen Maria (Amory) Lee, of Amory Street, Boston, the former of whom was descended from Henry and Mary Lee. Henry Lee, the founder of the Lee family of Marblehead, Massachusetts, died at Manchester, that state, in 1675, and was … Read more