Photos from the Middlebury College Online Digital Archives

Sylvester Baron Partridge, Class of 1861

As I was creating the page for the Middlebury College Online Digital Archives it quickly became obvious that a separate page would be needed for those photographs identified with a person’s name. It is unfortunate that those posting took two different avenues, as some photographs are listed by the first name, some by the last name. I have listed each group as they appear below. Please make sure you check both listings for your ancestor if they attended the school, or had other interaction with the school. People Listed by First Name A A. Barton Hepburn, Middlebury College Trustee A. … Read more

Gallery of Victorian Worthies

Dickens Dream

The following images reflect men instrumental during the period titled “Victorian.” They compromise a group of men who were authors, artists, statesmen, missionaries, soldiers, philanthropists, surgeons, craftsmen, historian and priest.

Biography of William C. Steigers

William C. Steigers, who has passed the seventy-fiftb milestone on life’s journey, has through an extended period been closely identified not only with the business development but with the civic progress of St. Louis and has the distinction of being the oldest living past exalted ruler of St. Louis Lodge, No. 9, B. P. O. E., his identification therewith dating from 1882. St. Louis numbers him among her native sons, his birth having here occurred September 15, 1845, on Market street between Third and Fourth streets and the house is still standing, his parents being Francis I. and Sarah (Price) … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ernest Lucas

Ernest Lucas, secretary of the Rubelmann-Lucas Hardware Company of St. Louis, was born in Gasconade county, Missouri, on the 2d of February, 1860, and is a son of George and Amelia (Prosch) Lucas. He supplemented his public school education by study in Johnson’s Business College and thus qualified for the active and responsible duties of life. He started upon his business career as a salesman in his father’s grocery store in 1877 and after three years’ preliminary training there of a thorough character he came to St. Louis in 1880 and entered the employ of Rubelmann & Company, hardware dealers, … Read more

Biography of Shirley D. Gregson

Shirley D. Gregson, president of the Gregson Furniture Company of St. Louis, was born at Ava, Illinois, January 9, 1878. His father, James M. Gregson, was also born in Illinois and in 1888 removed to St. Louis where his remaining days were passed, his attention being devoted to various lines of business. His death occurred October 28, 1917. The mother bore the maiden name of Lou Barker and was twice married, being Mrs. Lou Brickey, a widow, at the time that she became the wife of James M. Gregson. She was born in Kaskaskia, Illinois, and married Mr. Gregson at … Read more

Biography of Cyrus F. Blanke

Cyrus F. Blanke, president of the C. F. Blanke Tea & Coffee Company of St. Louis, was born October 24, 1862, in Marine, Illinois, a son of Fred G. and Caroline (Ortgis) Blanke. The father was born in Germany and came to America in 1847. He carried on general merchandising at Marine, Illinois, for a number of years, but his marriage was celebrated in St. Louis. To him and his wife were born ten children, seven sons and three daughters, of whom Cyrus F. is the fifth in order of birth. Four children, three sons and a daughter, have passed … Read more

Biography of Frederik Gustave Bardenheier, M. D.

Dr. Frederik Gustave Adolph Bardenheier, who is well known in professional circles as a specialist in the treatment of diseases Of the ear, nose and throat, was born in St. Louis, April 13, 1881, and he has chosen to make the city of his nativity the scene of his professional labors and successes. His father, Philipp Bardenheier, came to the United States in the early ’50s and won success along commercial line. The mother, Mrs. Helen Bardenheier, arrived in this country from the Rhine region of Germany some time after her future husband crossed the Atlantic. Dr. Bardenheier was educated … Read more

Biography of Marvin E. Singleton

Marvin E. Singleton, one of the many to lay aside personal interests to serve the cause of democracy when America was at war with Germany and possessor of the Distinguished Service Medal awarded by congress for meritorious work as ordnance district chief during the World war, has for many years been a conspicuous figure among the prominent business men of the country. He was born in Ellis county, Texas, January 6, 1872. His father, John Hawkins Singleton, a native of Kentucky, was one of the pioneer settlers of Texas where he moved in 1848; he served in the Mexican war, … Read more

Biography of Hon. John Hugo Grimm

John Hugo Grimm was born January 17th, 1864, at No. 21 South 10th street in St. Louis, in the immediate neighborhood of Turners’ Hall, in which companies of the Home Guards, which took part in the capture of Camp Jackson in 1861, had been organized and drilled. Valentine Grimm, his father, had emigrated to America from Coblenz, Germany, established his home in St. Louis, and became an American citizen, July 28, 1859, and was a leading member of the St. Louis Gymnastic Society (the Turners) to which history accords the position of first organizing and preparing for the conflict between … Read more

Biography of Benjamin H. Charles

Benjamin H. Charles, who enjoys the reputation of being one of the leading municipal bond lawyers in the United States and who in the practice of his profession is accorded an extensive clientage in St. Louis, where he makes his home, was born at Chester, Illinois, April 26, 1866, his parents being Benjamin H. and Achsah Susan (Holmes) Charles. The father was a Presbyterian minister of note who led a very active life. He was a man of positive character and high ideals and at different periods acceptably served as pastor of churches in Kentucky, Illinois and Missouri. He was … Read more

Biography of Gaston Frederic DuBois

Gaston Frederic DuBois, president of the Monsanto Chemical Works of St. Louis, was born in Switzerland in 1880 and has been a resident of St. Louis since 1904, arriving in this city when a young man of twenty-four years. He is a son of Louis Ferdinand and Lucy (Smith) DuBois, both of whom are still living in the land of the Alps. The father is now a retired banker, having for many years been a prominent figure in financial circles. The maternal grandfather was a prominent railroad engineer, specializing in the building of Alpine railroads. Gaston F. DuBois was educated … Read more

Biography of Francis Eugene Nipher, LL. D.

Francis Eugene Nipher, physicist of world-wide reputation, educator and author in the field of his chosen science, was born at Port Byron, New York, December 10, 1847, his parents being Peter and Roxalana P. (Tilden) Nipher. In the paternal line he is descended from Michael Niver, who came from the kingdom of Wurtemberg, Germany, in 1756 and settled on Livingston Manor in New York. On his mother’s side he traces his ancestry to Nathaniel Tilden, who came from Truterden, Kent, England, in 1634 and settled in Plymouth colony. His collegiate course was pursued in the State University of Iowa, from … Read more

Biography of Joseph Henry Zumbalen

Joseph Henry Zumbalen, professor of law in the Washington University was born in St. Louis, July 4, 1861, a son of Henry and Augusta (Wurtz) Zumbalen, the former a native of Oldenburg, Germany, while the latter was born in Emmerich, in the Rhine province of Germany. The father came to the new world in young manhood, and the mother crossed the Atlantic with her parents when a maiden of twelve summers. Both settled in St. Louis where they were subsequently married and-continued to reside until- called to the home beyond. Joseph Henry Zumbalen was educated in the Lutheran parochial school … Read more

Indian Portraits

An Artists rendition of Indian Chiefs and Leaders printed on trading card in the early 1900’s.

Genealogy of George Dana Kenyon

GEORGE DANA3 KENYON (Joseph2-1) was b. March, 1817; m. first, May 20, 1846, Sarah Maria Bartlett, a sister of the wife of his brother, Isaac C., b. Aug. 27, 1821, and d. Oct. 8, 1865; m. second, June 27, 1866, Lizzie Quinton Atwood of Weathersfield, Vt., dau. of Dr. Robert and Elvira M. (Nutting) Atwood, b. 1835 (?), and d. Aug. 8, 1885. Mr. Kenyon was a first-class musician, leader and instructor of the Windsor brass band many years, was choir leader, etc. It will be observed that Mr. Kenyon and his brother Isaac married sisters on the same day, … Read more

Biography of William A. Horan

Rev. William A. Horan, late pastor of St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, at Freeport, Ill., was born in Pierce township, DeKalb Co., Ill., on Feb. 2nd, 1851, and is the son of the late Patrick M. and Mary (Hanaghan) Horan. Patrick M. Horan was a native of Ireland,, and was born in the year 1800. When a young man he removed to England, where he served in the British army. In 1839 he married Mary, a daughter of Malachy Hanaghan, of county Mayo, Ireland, their union resulting in the birth of twelve children, five of whom are still living. In … Read more

Biography of Bernhard Huenkemeier

Bernhard Huenkemeier, an old and honored resident of Freeport for more than half a century, is deserving of a prominent place in these pages, not only for the energy and ambition he has displayed in the development of the commercial and social interests of this part of the state and the upright and manly character that he has fashioned in the sunshine and shadow of life, but also for his friendly and sympathetic nature.. He is a man of broad sympathies and generous impulses, and during the long years in which he has been connected with very important interests in … Read more

Biography of Jacob Krohn

Jacob Krohn, Freeport, is the president of the Second National bank of that city, and his careful and conservative management has made it one of the solid institutions of the North-west, for its name and reputation extend far beyond the limits of city or county. Mr. Krohn was born in Pyritz, Pomerania, Prussia, February 22, 1832, exactly one hundred years after the birth of Washington, and received his early education in the schools of his native city. When he was twenty years old he left his Prussian home to found another under more kindly auspices on the soil of the … Read more