
Tukkuthkutchin Tribe

Last Updated on July 16, 2014 by Tukkuthkutchin Indians (‘squint-eyed people’) A Kutchin tribe at the head of Porcupine River, occupying the territory between the headwaters of Porcupine river and Ft. McPherson, in the northern Yukon Territory, Canada.  Their eyes are frequently small and oblique, hence their name.  Although barbarous they are more intelligent than […]

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Tatlitkutchin Tribe

Last Updated on February 19, 2012 by Dennis Tatlitkutchin Indians (‘Peel river people’). A Kutchin tribe, closely allied to the Tukkuthkutchin, living on the east band of Peel river, British Columbia, between lat. 66º and 67º.  For a part of the season they hunt on the mountains, uniting sometimes with parties of the Tukkuthkutchin.  They

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Nakotchokutchin Tribe

Last Updated on October 21, 2011 by Dennis Nakotchokutchin Indians, Nakotchokutchin People, Nakotchokutchin First Nation. A Kutchin tribe dwelling on the lower Mackenzie river, north of the Kawchodinneh, in lat. 68° north, lon. 133° west Their hunting grounds are east of the Mackenzie as far as Anderson River, and their chief game is the caribou.

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Kutchin Tribe

Last Updated on January 2, 2012 by Dennis Kutchin Indians, Kutchin People, Kutchin First Nation (Kutchin = ‘people’). A group of Athapascan tribes in Alaska and British North America, inhabiting the region on the Yukon and its tributaries above Nuklukayet, the Peel river basin, and the lower Mackenzie valley. They have decreased to half their

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