James Cate

JAMES CATE was b. in Greenland in 1747, m. first, -, Hannah Ayers (?), who was b. in 1746, and d. in Cornish April, 1780, aged 34; m. second, Hannah Huggins, dau. of John and Hannah Ayers Huggins, b. in 1757, and d. in Cornish Aug. 22, 1788, aged 31. He was a Revolutionary soldier. He d. in town Nov. 19, 1802, aged 55. They lived in the north west part of the town. Children, both by first wife: 1. JAMES, JR., b. Sept. 7, 1775. 2. LEVI, b. -, 1777; d. Feb. 12, 1835.

Benjamin Chadbourne

BENJAMIN CHADBOURNE was b. in Moultonborough Jan. 28, 1792. Came to Cornish when a young man; In. April 15, 1818, Sarah Cady of Cornish, dau. of Elias and Hannah (Hutchins) Cady, b. Aug. 29, 1790, and d. Dec. 12, 1864. He d. March 29, 1851. A farmer. Children, all b. in Cornish: 1. CURTIS C., b. Sept. 12, 1819; m. March 30, 1842, Adeline Maria Fogget of Bridgewater, Vt. Five children. He was a tailor and lived in Charlestown; d. Nov. 26, 1890. 2. SALLY MIRANDA, b. May 23, 1821; m. Dec. 23, 1846, Elemander Powers of Charlestown. She d. … Read more

William Elias Chadbourne

WILLIAM ELIAS2 CHADBOURNE (Benjamin1) was b. July- 31, 1823; m. June 15, 1858, Martha Rosella Stone of Plainfield, dau. of Solomon and Betsey F. (Read) Stone, b. March 24, 1836. Mr. Chadbourne has been a successful farmer, owning and occupying a fine river farm. Never aspired to public honors, though often urged to accept, and has been known to decline such office after having been handsomely elected. W. E. Chadbourne and wife celebrated their golden wedding June 15, 1908. Children, all b. in Cornish: 1. ANGIE LETTIE, b. Oct. 19, 1862; m. Nov. 2, 1892, Earl Westgate of Cornish. 2. … Read more

Alfred Chase Chadbourne

ALFRED CHASE3 CHADBOURNE (Benjamin,) was b. Feb. 21, 1832; m. Dec. 24, 1861, Elizabeth C. Deming of Cornish, dau. of Judah and Caroline (Jackson) Deming, b. Oct. 12, 1829, and d. Jan. 2, 1900. A farmer and lived in the north part of the town. He d. June 27, 1891. Children, all b. in town: 1. EDMUND B., b. Dec. 25, 1862; m. Dec. 25, 1887, Lizzie Sturtevant. Res. in West Windsor, Vt. One son, Harry E., b. July 28, 1894. 2. LIZZIE S., b. April 4, 1865; m. Dec. 25, 1888, Rev. Truman O. Har low. Two children, sons. … Read more

William Lucius Chadbourne

WILLIAM LUCIUS3 CHADBOURNE (William E.2, Benjamin1) was b. Feb. 24, 1865; m. April 21, 1887, Minnie S. Wood of Cornish, dau. of Lyman D. and Susan (Flowers) Wood, b. Jan. 11, 1865. Since marriage he has been lumberman, miller and farmer. Children: 1. DAPHNA WOOD, b. July 9, 1888. 2. TWILA MINNIE, b. Dec. 15, 1902.

James Blaine Chadbourne

JAMES BLAINE3 CHADBOURNE (William E2., Benjamin1) was b. Oct. 12 1876; m. March 2, 1904, Ina J. Walker of Cornish, dau. of Martin L. and Elizabeth M. (Bailey) Walker, b. Nov. 10, 1883. Res. on the Dea. Ripley Wellman farm. He has been selectman six years, preceding 1909. Children, all b. in town: 1. WILLIAM C., b. Jan. 17, 1905. 2. LURA ELIZABETH, b. Aug. 1, 1906. 3. PAUL JAMES, b. Sept. 12, 1907.

Levi Chaffin

LEVI and CHLOE (TOLMAN) CHAFFIN were m. in Claremont Nov. 13, 1790, and most of their children were b. there. They came and lived several years in Cornish. Children, first seven b. in Claremont: 1. CHLOE, b. Jan. 6, 1792; d. young. 2. LYMAN, b. Feb. 5, 1793. 3. BETSEY, b. March 13, 1795. 4. LEVI, b. March 16, 1796. 5. CHLOE, b. July 28, 1798. 6. CHARLOTTE, b. June 18, 1801. 7. NANCY, b. Feb. 1, 1804. 8. LUCY, b. Oct. 6, 1809, in Cornish.

Dr. Joseph Chapman

DR. JOSEPH5 CHAPMAN (Benjamin4, Samuel,3-2, Edward1) was the oldest child of Capt. Benjamin and Jemima (Gates) Chapman and was b. Dec. 12, 1757; m. in 1782, Martha Jirauld of Cornish, dau. of Dea. Reuben and Joanna (Spaulding) Jirauld, b. Aug. 2, 1759, and d. March 15, 1855, aged 95. He settled on the farm afterwards owned and occupied by Rev. D. P. Deming and more recently by Fred Read. He was a physician and is said to have been one of the first of his profession in town. He d. April 3, 1810, aged 53. Children, all b. in town: … Read more

Benjamin Chapman

BENJAMIN6 CHAPMAN (Joseph5, Benjamin4, Samuel3-2, Edward1) was b. July 18, 1784; in. , Theoda Colburn, dau. of John and Theoda (Dunham) Colburn, b. June 11, 1792, and d. Oct. 13, 1859, aged 67. He was a farmer and surveyor, a prominent man in his day, filling many important positions in town and state. He drew plans of Cornish and adjoining towns and made surveys of nearly every road and farm in Cornish and Plainfield. He was also justice of the peace and legal counsellor for all requiring such services in these towns. A man of firm integrity, unquestionable honor and … Read more

Ezekiel Abbott

EKEKIEL ABBOTT was b. in Bradford Feb. 13, 1796; m. Nov. 20, 1823, Phoebe Morse, a sister of Asenath (Morse) Bugbee and formerly of Reading, Vt., b. May 24, 1802, and d. in Bedford April 13, 1875. He came to Cornish a few years before his marriage and worked at cabinetwork. Remained on the Flat until March, 1834, when they removed first to Bradford, then to Manchester, where he d. Sept. 29, 1880. He was a carpenter and builder. Children, all b. on Cornish Flat: 1. OSCAR DUNREUTH, h. Sept. 13, 1824. A physician and res. in Manchester; m. first, … Read more

Graham Chambers Hunter

GRAHAM CHAMBERS HUNTER: clergyman; b. Toronto, Can. Dec. 5, 1882; s. of William Armstrong and Eliz. (Chambers) Hunter; came to U.S., 1899; A.B., Princeton 1904; B.D., Union Theol. Sem., 1909; A.M., Columbia, 1909; D.D., Occidental Coll., 1925; m. Louise Holden of Newark, N.J., Oct. 19, 1911. Instr. Mills Inst., Honolulu, H.T., 1904-06; ordained Presbyterian minister, 1909; pastor Laramie, Wyo., 1909-11, Ch. of the Covenant, New York, 1914-24, Fullerton, California, 1924-. Mem. 7th Regt. N.G.N.Y., 1911-16; mem. Am. Red Cross, Palestine Unit, 1918-19; Assoc. Sec. Universal Christian Conf. on Life and Work, Stockholm, 1925. Home: Fullerton, Calif.

Hiram Tyram Hunter

HIRAM TYRAM HUNTER: educator; b. Mars Hill, N.C., March 26, 1883; s. James Hardy and Martha Caroline (Braley) Hunter ; grad. Mars Hill Coll., 1908; B.A., Wake Forest Coll. 1908; M.A., Teachers Coll. (Columbia), 1917; Ed.M., Harvard, 1922; m. Glen Weaver of Weaversville, N.C., Aug. 7, 1912; children: Marthalou, Lucy Jane. Pres. Southside Inst., Chase City, Va., 1912-14; head Dept. of English, Womans Coll., Richmond, Va., 1914-16; Asso. prof. Edn. and head Dept. of Edn. Southern Meth. U., Dallas, Tex. 1917-19; prof. Edn. Baylor Coll., 1919-20; prof. Edn. and dir. Summer Sch., Wake Forest Coll., 1920-23; pres. Cullowhee (N.C.) State … Read more

Joel Hunter

JOEL HUNTER: certified pub. accountant. See Vol. 1 (1924-25), “Who’s Who in America.”

Paul Stewart Hunter

PAUL STEWART HUNTER: M.D.; March 29,1877-Oct. 20, 1923. See Vol. 13 (1924-25), “Who’s Who in America.”

Wiles Robert Hunter

(WILES) ROBERT HUNTER: sociologist; b. Terre Haute, Ind., April 10, 1874; s. of W. R. and Caroline (Fouts) Hunter; A.B. Ind. U., 1896; m. Caroline M. Phelps Stokes of Norton, Conn., May 23, 1903; children: Robert, Phelps Stokes, Caroline Phelps, Helen Louisa (dec. ). Organizing Sec., Chicago Bur. of Charities, 1896-1902; chmn. investigation com. city homes assn., Supt. Municipal Lodging House. Mem. Small Parks Com., resident Hull House, 1899-1902, all of Chicago; resident of Toynbee Hall, London, summer of 1890, and other English settlements, head-worker Univ. Settlement, New York, 1902-03; chmn. New York Child Labor Com., 1902-06. Pres. Berkeley Commn. … Read more

Rudolph Melville Hunter

RUDOLPH MELVILLE HUNTER: consulting engineer. See “Who’s Who in America,” Vol. XI (1920-21).

Samuel John Hunter

SAMUEL JOHN HUNTER: entomologist; b. Ireland, Nov. 11, 1866; s. of Rev. James and Rebecca (Davison) Hunter, removed with parents to Iowa in infancy; A.B., A.M., U. of Kans. 1893; grad. student, Cornell U., 1896; investigator Marine Biol. Lab., 1901-02; m. Lida W. Campbell of Atchison, Kans., June 16, 1897; 1 dau. Geneva (Mrs. John N. Monteith). Prin. Columbus (Kan.) High Sch., 1890-91, Atchison County School (High) 1893-96; absent on leave, 1894, to visit zool. laboratories of Europe; asst. prof. Entomology, 1896-99, asso. prof. 1899, asso. prof. Comparative Zoology and Entomology, 1901, head dept. Entomology, 1902, prof., 1906, curator entomol. … Read more

Stanley Armstrong Hunter

STANLEY ARMSTRONG HUNTER: clergyman; b. Orangeville, Ont., Aug. 23, 1888; s. of Rev. William Armstrong and Eliz. (Chambers) Hunter; student Denver U., 1905-06; A.B., Prince ton, 1910; A.M., Columbia, 1914; grad. Union Theol. Sem., 1916; D.D., Occidental Coll., Los Angeles, 1925; m. Elizabeth, dau. Harold Peirce, of Haverford, Pa., Mar. 21, 1918; children: Stanley Armstrong (dec. ), William Armstrong III, Charlotte (dec.); Professor of English and Philosophy, Ewing Christian Coll. (N. India Presbyn. Mission), Allahabad, India, 1910-12; ass’t. pastor Central Presbyn. Church, New York, 1913, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1914-15; ordained Presbyn. ministry, 1914, temporary pastor Church of Pilgrims, Brooklyn, N.Y., … Read more

Thomas Hunter

THOMAS HUNTER: educator. See Vol. VIII (1914-15), “Who’s Who in America.”

Walter David Hunter

WALTER DAVID HUNTER: entomologist; Dec. 14, 1875Oct. 13, 1925. See Vol. 13 (1924-25), “Who’s Who in America.”