Delaware Indian Allotments

Tishcohan A Delaware Chief

This collection provides the names of Delaware and Cherokee Indians involved in the segregation and allotment of lands in the Cherokee Nation to the Delaware Indians. It also provides a comprehensive history with supporting documentation of the actions taken. For those researchers attempting to identify their ancestor in the Final Rolls, this may help identify the card number for your ancestor. After you find your ancestor listed on these pages, make a note of the Card Number, and go to the Final Roll Database and search there. Put OS (Old Settler or Old Series) in front of the Card Number and search.

Delaware Indian Tribe Photo Descriptions

When first discovered by the whites, the Delaware were living on the banks of the Delaware, in detached bands under separate sachems, and called themselves Renappi a collective term for men or, as it is now written, Lenni Lenape. In 1616 the Dutch began trading with them, maintaining friendly relations most of the time, and buying so much of their land that they had to move inland for game and furs. Penn and his followers, succeeding, kept up the trade and bought large tracts of land, bat the Indians claimed to have been defrauded and showed a reluctance to move. … Read more

Indian Tribes of the Southern Plains Region

The Regional Director represents the Southern Plains Region in dealing with other governmental entities and tribal entities. The Regional Director serves as the representative for the Director of the Bureau of Indian Affairs with the responsibility to work toward strengthening intergovernmental assistance to all the Federally-recognized tribes under the jurisdiction of the Southern Plains Regional Office. The Southern Plains Region has two (2) Deputy Regional Directors, who work directly under the Regional Director. Dan Deerinwater, Regional Director Southern Plains Regional Office Bureau of Indian Affairs WCD Office Complex P.O. Box 368 Anadarko, OK 73005 Anadarko Agency Bureau of Indian Affairs … Read more

Delaware Indian Bands, Gens and Clans

Many tribes have sub-tribes, bands, gens, clans and phratry.  Often very little information is known or they no longer exist.  We have included them here to provide more information about the tribes. Assinapi (Chippewa: ŭsi′nāpä, ‘stone person’. W. J.). A people, mentioned in the Walam Olum (Brinton, Lenape, 190, 1885), with whom the Delawares fought during their migration toward the E. Assunpink (at the stone stream) . A division of the Delawares formerly on Stony cr., on the Delaware, near Trenton. Probably from the Indian name of Stony cr. (J. M.) Calcefar. A division of the New Jersey Delawares formerly … Read more