Biography of Gottlob Ziegler

Gottlob Ziegler. A life of quiet effectiveness marked by a record of many duties well done and many responsibilities faithfully fulfilled was that of the late Gottlob Ziegler, best known by his long residence at Marysville, but who died in Salina November 20, 1911. While he never held an important public office and was not identified with the conspicuous activities of the world, he rendered a faithful and intelligent performance of every task that was allotted to him during his long life. He left a record that may well be envied and admired by the generations that follow him. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Daniel H. Ziegler

Ziegler, Daniel H.; dentist; born, Pennsylvania, Feb. 18, 1870; son of William and Elmira Hendricks Ziegler; educated, Sunneytown, Penn., Academy, Connells College, Pluta, Pa., Western Reserve Dental College, with degree D. D. S.; married, Pluta, Penn., July 3, 1905, Florence Hamill; member The Cleveland Dental Society; expres. and member of Northern Ohio Dental Society and expres. and member Ohio State Dental Society; Delta Sigma Delta Fraternity; member Euclid and Athletic Clubs; member Faculty of Western Reserve University from 1899 to 1906