1894 Hinckley Minnesota Forest Fire Deaths

1894 Hinckley Minnesota Forest Fire

The exact origin of the fire is somewhat indefinite; the one that visited Hinckley must have started in the region south of Mission Creek. Around this little village much of the pine had been cut. There was in the hamlet twenty-six houses, a schoolhouse, a small sawmill a general store, hotel and blacksmith shop. At the time of the fire there were seventy-three people living in, and adjacent to, this village; a great number of the population were away from home, having gone to Dakota for the harvest. The people had been fighting local fires for a month. At noon, … Read more

Wold, Ariss Jeanette Jones Englund Crow – Obituary

Joseph, Oregon Ariss Jeanette Jones Englund Crow Wold of Joseph died January 31, 2007, at her home in Joseph. She was 90. A memorial celebration will be held at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, June 23, at Joseph City Park, followed by a barbecue potluck dinner. Hamburgers and hot dogs, with condiments, will be provided. Salads, desserts, etc. for pot luck would be appreciated. There will be tables at the park but card or portable tables in addition would be welcome. Any flowers ( her favorite was purple) can be delivered to the park or the Joseph United Methodist Church prior to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Eric Wold

Eric Wold who has been city engineer of Burlingame for the past four years and at present is also acting in the same capacity for the infant municipality of San Bruno, has been engaged in engineering work the greater part of his life. His college training and wide experience has splendidly fitted him for the important work that he is now doing; while Burlingame’s streets, the water system and other municipal improvements well bespeak Mr. Wold’s ability. Anxious to have their municipality profit from the same competent engineering that Burlingame did, the San Bruno citizens retained Mr. Wold. He is … Read more