The Wildbores in America

Wildbores in America

“The Wildbores in America” by John Reid Wilbor is a comprehensive continuation and expansion of the genealogical records of the Wildbore family, first introduced in his 1907 publication. This multi-volume series meticulously documents the descendants of Samuel Wildbore, an early immigrant to America, through successive generations, reaching up to the twelfth generation. Each volume enriches the family’s lineage by incorporating new findings and corrections from earlier editions, alongside exploring the evolution of the family surname from Wilbore to its various present-day forms such as Wilbur and Wilber. The book serves not only as a valuable resource for members of the Wildbore family but also contributes to the broader field of genealogical study in America, providing insights into the familial and migratory patterns that have shaped the country.

Leach Genealogy of Bridgewater, Massachusetts

James Cushing Leach

This page treats the Leach Genealogy of Bridgewater, Massachusetts, starting with Lawrence Leach, the immigrant ancestor, and descending to the James Cushing Leach family of Bridgewater, Mass.

Descendants of Rev. James Keith in Bridgewater, Massachusetts

Roland Keith

The Keith family is one of the oldest of southeastern Massachusetts. Its founder in America was Rev. James Keith, born in 1644, who came to America, landing in Boston in 1662. He became minister of the Bridgewater Church, where he administered to the spiritual needs of the people for half a century. He died July 23, 1719. He was twice married. His first wife was Susannah Edson, daughter of Deacon Samuel Edson.