Descendants of George and Maturin Ricker
The descendants of two brothers, George and Maturin Ricker of Dover NH who’s descendants resided principally in New Hampshire and Maine.
The descendants of two brothers, George and Maturin Ricker of Dover NH who’s descendants resided principally in New Hampshire and Maine.
Post-office address of the Lower Chinook, Kathlamet, Tillamook, and Clatsop Indians (and their heirs) who made treaties with the United States in August 1851.
George Wallingford, a prosperous business man of Claremont in the last generation, was born in Dublin, N.H., July 17, 1808, son of Ebenezer and Mary (Hildreth) Wallingford. The first ancestor, Nicholas Wallingford, settled in Bradford, Mass., in 1672. David Wallingford, of the third generation descended from Nicholas, was a Lieutenant in the Revolutionary War. Born September 25, 1744, he went to the war from Hollis, N.H., was a minute-man, served in four companies under Captains Dow, Towns, Emerson, and Goss, and took part in the battles of Bunker Hill and Bennington. His son Ebenezer, who was born October 5, 1780, … Read more