Charles “Everett” Zimmerman – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Charles “Everett” Zimmerman, 90, of Baker City, died Oct. 18, 2002, at St. Elizabeth Health Services. His funeral will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel, 1500 Dewey Ave. Pastor Ted Davis of The Faith Center at La Grande and Pastor Aaron Oglesbee of the Agape Christian Center at Baker City will officiate. Charlene Whitmore of Blue Mountain Foursquare Church will assist. Vault interment will be at Mount Hope Cemetery. There will be a reception afterward at the First Church of the Nazarene Fellowship Hall, 1250 Hughes Lane. Mr. Zimmerman was born … Read more

Biography of Matthew H. Truscott

The leading merchant and efficient postmaster of Mount Idaho, Matthew H. Truscott, has been a resident of this state since 1865, and has therefore been a witness of the greater part of its growth and development, has seen its wild land reclaimed for purposes of cultivation, its rich mineral storehouses give forth their treasures, and the forests yield their trees to be converted into the homes of white men, who thus replaced the tents of the Indians. He was a young man of only twenty years when he arrived in the territory, his birth having occurred in England, March 20, … Read more