Washington County, Idaho Pioneer Honor Roll

History of Washington County and Adams County

In 1940 and 1943, a survey of everyone who had lived in Washington County, Idaho continuously for 50 years or more, was made by the Weiser American. These pioneer residents were especially honored at the Fall Festival held in the fall of both years. So far as is known, the list compiled by the survey is complete and perhaps the only record of its kind in existence.

Sommer, Daniel – Obituary

Daniel Sommer Called Beyond Early Sunday. Union County Pioneer Succumbs to the Call of the Death Angel Services at Elgin Today. Daniel Sommer, one of the most esteemed and prominent pioneers of Easter Oregon, whose residence has been at Elgin for the past few years, where he has served as mayor of that city and in other important capacities, passed away at his home Sunday Morning at one o’clock at the close of a short illness. He had been in poor health for some time prior to his demise. The death of Mr. Sommer, totally unexpected by his wide circle … Read more

Kansas Registrations of Enemy Aliens, 1917 – 1921

Enemy Alien Registration Affidavit for Bernhardt Vick - Cropped Photo

The series contains original affidavits of registration that record personal information about each registrant, their photograph affixed to the majority of documents, and the registrants fingerprints. All of these are specific to Kansas, and most have the actual documents attached.

Biography of Emile Sommer

Emile Sommer, son of Samuel and Fannie Brown Sommer, born in Shierhoffen, Alsace, France, October 10, 1853, came to America and to Fort Valley, Ga., at the age of fourteen, joining his elder brother, Aaron, with whom he became associated in the mercantile business. Four years later Aaron died, and shortly thereafter Emile was joined in Fort Valley by his mother, three brothers, Albert, Willie, and Emanuel, and two sisters, Palmyre and Rosa. The brothers became closely associated in business, operating under the name of Sommer Brothers. In the year 1889 the firm and the entire Sommer family moved to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward H. Sommer

Sommer, Edward H.; umbrella mfr.; born, Cleveland, Jan. 18, 1878; son of John and Christina Deist Sommer; educated, public schools (Hicks) and Spencerian Business College; married, Cleveland, Nov. 28, 1907, Elsie M. Seidel; issue, two children, Edward John and Marjorie Elsie; conducting a business of fifty-one years standing, started in 1862, by John Sommer; retired in 1902; at 2926 Lorain Ave., business outgrew quarters, so moved to 1870 W. 25th St.; has the largest retail umbrella and cane store in Ohio; pres. and mgr. Edward H. Somner Co.; steward of St. Paul’s German M. E. Church; member Chamber of Industry.

Sommer, D. Mrs. – Obituary

Elgin, Union County, Oregon A Pioneer Gone Mrs. D. Sommer, a Respected and Pioneer Lady Died at Her Home in Elgin on November the 28th. Rachael, the beloved wife of D. Sommer, died at her home in this city Tuesday morning, November 28, 1905. The fatal illness lasted only a few days. Her death was a sad blow to her family and to her many friends, and her loss is felt by all who knew her. Rachael Wertheimer was born in Bodeschweeir, Germany, on the 6th day of October, 1852, and was 52 years, 1 month and 22 days old. … Read more

Biography of J. A. Rumble

As a prominent citizen of Wallowa county and one who has been closely identified with its development and interests since he has domiciled within its borders the subject of this sketch is deserving of especial mention in these abiding chronicles of our county, both because of this faithful effort on his part for the welfare of the public good and for his own intrinsic merit as a private citizen, and enterprising business man, while in connection with these we desire to mention his capabilities and probity and integrity, which have eminently fitted him for the leading position which he has … Read more