Biography of James J. Rooney

James J. Rooney, contractor and builder of Muskogee, who died July 8, 1922, was well known throughout the state. His building operations carried him into various cities where there stand as monuments to his skill and ability some of the finest structures found within the borders of the commonwealth. Mr. Rooney was born in Iowa City, Iowa, January 2, 1864, and was a son of Lawrence and Maria Rooney. The father devoted his life to merchandising. The son obtained a public school education and then started out to make his own way in the world. He first learned the trade … Read more

Rooney, J. C. – Obituary

Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon Local people were grieved to learn through a telegram to Mrs. Mae McGregor, of the death last Wednesday morning, Dec. 5 of J.C. Rooney, merchant of Wallowa and who with his son Norval conducted a meat market and grocery in North Powder until early this fall. He died at Clarkston, Wash., after a protracted illness. Bright’s disease was the direct cause of his death. Mr. Rooney had gone to Clarkston about two months ago to be under the care of physicians there. No funeral arrangements have as yet been announced. Mr. Rooney and his family moved … Read more

Biography of William Tecumseh Rooney

William Tecumseh Rooney, a native of Kansas, had had an active career of over thirty years, spent as a farmer, land owner, merchant and business man. His home and business interests for the past twenty years have been at Haddam, and during that time he had become one of the leading factors in the community. Mr. Rooney was born at Leavenworth, Kansas, October 1, 1865, and the name he bears shows that his father was a great admirer of that brilliant Civil war leader General Sherman. His father, Patrick Rooney, was born at Killkeel, County Down, Ireland, August 12, 1828. … Read more