Renfrow, Mary A. Wright Mrs. – Obituary

Services Held For Mary Renfrow Memorial services for Mary A. Renfrow sho passed away Thursday, December 4, 1958 in Forest Grove, where conducted Saturday at 2 p.m. by the Bollman Funeral Home from the Enterprise Church. The Rev. Al Boschee officiated, and Mrs. Don Kooch was organist. Mrs. Al Boschee and Mrs. Delbert Pratt sang “In The Garden” and “The Old Rugged Cross.” Casket bearers were: A.J. Oliver, Oscar Maxwell, James Fleet, Therval Gray, Hubert Johnson, Roy Carper, and vault entombment was in the Enterprise Cemetery. Mrs. Renfrow was the daughter of Jackson and Malinda Wright and was born January … Read more

Biography of Edward Renfrow

As one of the most capable and intelligent agriculturists and stockmen of Wallowa county must be mentioned the subject of this sketch, whose pluck, perseverance and capable qualities have been demonstrated have been demonstrated in the career where he has wrought with faithfulness and assiduity to develop the resources of Wallowa county and make it the abode of civilization, while also he has demeaned himself in a most becoming manner, manifesting integrity and sound principles, allying himself with that which is right and laboring for the welfare of his fellows constantly. It is with pleasure that we grant him a … Read more

Renfrow, Earl J. – Obituary

Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon Services were held Tuesday morning, July 7, in the Salas Brothers Funeral Chapel in Modesto, Calif., for Earl Jackson Refrow, son of Edward and Mary Renfrow, early pioneers of lower Lost Prairie. He was 77 years of age and had been in failing health for some time, although he didn’t enter the Oakdale Hospital until a few days before his death. The services were conducted by Rev. Eleon Shuman of the Modesto Advent Christian Church of which he was a member, and burial was in Lakewood Memorial Park. Earl Renfrow was born in Troy, Oregon and … Read more