Biography of Hon. James B. Reavis

Much interest attaches to the life and work of an attorney such as Mr. Reavis, whose chief endeavor both privately and professionally has been to realize a high degree of public justice. He is a man whom the people feel safe in having by; for they can trust his sagacity and integrity, knowing that he is thoroughly incorruptible by any influence, corporate or otherwise. He is one of the men of whom both unscrupulous politicians and monopolies have a wholesome fear. Glancing at his ancestry, we observe that he came honestly by these rugged qualities, being in lineal descent from … Read more

Reavis, L. D. Dr. – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon Death of Dr. L.D. Reavis The death of Dr. L.D. Reavis, a well known citizen of La Grande, occurred in that city Wednesday, May 9, 1906. Deceased had been a resident of La Grande for many years and was a very highly respected citizen. he leaves besides a wife and daughter, a father and several brothers and sisters. he was a member of the Woodmen of the World, the Elks and Masons. The funeral will probably take place today in La Grande. Elgin Recorder Friday May 11, 1906