Slave Narrative of Precilla Gray

Person Interviewed: Precilla Gray Location: Nashville, Tennessee Place of Birth: Williamson County TN Age: 107 Place of Residence: 807 Ewing Ave., Nashville, Tenn. I think I’se 107 Y’ars ole. Wuz bawn in Williamson County ‘fore de Civil wah. Guess de reason I hab libed so long wuz cose I tuk good keer ob mahself en wore warm clo’es en still do, w’ar mah yarn pettycoats now. Hab had good health all mah life. Hab tuk very lettle medicine en de wust sickness I eber had wuz small-pox. I’se bin a widah ’bout 70 y’ars. Mah mammy d’ed w’en I wuz … Read more

Pointer, Eva Ostrand – Obituary

Mrs. Eva Pointer, 62, Route 1, Box 12, Troutdale, died Tuesday [June 8, 1943] at Providence Hospital from injuries suffered Monday when she became caught between the tool box and bed of a state highway department truck on the Columbia River Highway, east of Multnomah Falls. Mrs. Pointer, who had been employed as a flag woman by the highway department, was directed to get into the cab of a truck operated by William M. Crawford, 2927 S. W. Corbett Avenue, when the crew was about to move to another location, deputy Sheriff James Mateson reported. Instead of climbing into the … Read more

Pointer, John William – Obituary

John W. Pointer, aged 79 years and 21 days, died at St. Ignatius Hospital Wednesday morning [June 12, 1912] after several weeks’ illness. Funeral services were held at the Baptist Church, Thursday at 2:30 p.m., Rev., J. H. Bainton preaching the sermon. Burial was in the Colfax Cemetery. For 27 years, Mr. Pointer had been a resident of Whitman County. He was born in Missouri and first located near Winona when he came to this county in 1885. In his long residence in the county he has become well known and leaves many friends. The surviving children are William Pointer … Read more

Pointer, William Mack – Obituary

William M. Pointer, 68, of 3552 SE 65th Avenue, died at his home Thursday following a lengthy illness. Funeral services will be held Friday at 8 PM in the Bruning & Lundberg Chapel, 1521 SW Salmon Street. The body will be forwarded to Colfax, Wash., where the Elks Lodge will conduct burial services Sunday. Mr. Pointer was born in Walla Walla, Wash. He came to Oregon from Colfax in 1914 and worked for sometime as a highway engineer, having been associated with the construction of Columbia River Highway. Surviving relatives include his widow, Calanthe; a son, Robert W. Pointer, 7707 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Patsy Pointer

(See Grant, Adair and Foreman) Martha Adair, daughter of Jesse Bushyhead and Cherokee Cornelia (Adair) Mayes was born January 10, 1875 and educated in the Female Seminary, from which she graduated in 1892. She married December 16, 1900, Edwin Mooring Pointer, born June 17, 1868, in Monroe County, Arkansas. He graduated from Cumberland University at Lebanon, Tennessee, and in Law Course in the same institution in 1897; was appointed District Clerk of Sequoyah County after Statehood. He died January 5, 1910. The following children were boon from this union: Samuel Jesse, born November 15, 1901, and James David Pointer, born … Read more