Statement No. 10 – Samuel Mallet of Bay Center

Statement No 10, part 1

This document is a communication from the acting commissioner of Indian Affairs that details the rolls of certain Indian Tribes in Oregon and Washington, specifically in reference to an agreement made in August 1851. This particular statement, No. 10, is given by Samuel Mallet of Bay Center, a 76-year-old member of the Waukikum tribe of Chinook Indians, to Charles E. McChesney, supervisor of Indian schools, in 1906. In his sworn statement, Mallet provides a detailed account of various Lower Chinook Indians who signed the 1851 treaty, including their descendants and their fates.

Indians in Mason County Michigan 1880 Census

Mason County 1880 Census Reel 0594, page 475

These 355 people were identified as Indians (I) in column 4 (color) of the 1880 census for Mason County Michigan. In order to have been enumerated they are believed to either have renounced tribal rule, and under state law, exercised their rights as citizens; or because they “mingled” with the white population of these Michigan towns were enumerated under the expanded definitions.