Biography of Charles L. Ong

Charles L. Ong and his family bore an important part in the pioneer commercial and civic life of several communities in Western Kansas and he spent his last years at Salina. Mr. Ong brought his family to Kansas in 1883. Though the name had the flavor of foreign origin, it is in fact one of the oldest in America. The forebears of the late Charles L. Ong came out of England, crossing the ocean on the ship Lyon, and reaching the American colonies on February 5, 1631. Dr. A. R. Ong, A. M., M. D., now deceased, a brother of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Walter Cain Ong

Ong, Walter Cain; lawyer; born, Jefferson County, Ohio, Nov. 24, 1848; son of Moses Harlan and Mary Cain Ong; educated in the district schools; High School at Mt. Pleasant, O., Richmond College; graduated in 1870, B. A, degree; law course, University of Michigan, LL. B., 1873; admitted to the bar, 1875; married Jefferson County, Ohio, April 8, 1875, Anna M. Mansfield; issue, four children, two living and two deceased; elected prosecuting attorney of Jefferson County, in 1875; served four years; practiced law at Steubenville, O., until June, 1882; came to Cleveland, and practiced until 1886; in 1893, elected to the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Judson W. Ong, Jr.

Ong, Judson W. Jr.; piano business; born, Lacon, Ill., Nov. 5, 1880; son of Judson W. and Isabelle Mayes Ong; educated, Lacon, Ill., High School; married, Chicago, Ill., Jan. 2, 1902, Mercedes E. Armitage; one son and one daughter, William and Mercedes; entered the retail piano business with George P. Bent, of Chicago, when he was 18; has continued in the piano business; traveled for leading wholesale firms; promoted and built, with H. J. Anderson, one of the most successful player piano mechanisms; came to Cleveland in 1904; has managed the Piano Dept. of the Bailey Co., and was connected … Read more