Biography of John Nichol, M.D.

John Nichol, a practicing physician and surgeon in Listowel for the last eighteen years, dates his birth in Glasgow, Scotland, November 16, 1822. His father was Hugh Nichol, manufacturer, and at one period a British soldier, a member of the 71st regiment, receiving a wound at the Battle of Waterloo. His mother’s maiden name was Mary Caldwell, who died when he was about eight years of age. He was educated at a parish school; came to Canada with the family in 1843, and his father took up 200 acres of land in the township of Peel, county of Wellington; but … Read more

Biography of Hon. George Nichol

HON. GEORGE NICHOL. Still hale and hearty at the age of eighty- three and a familiar figure on the streets of Anderson and a daily visitor at the store whose business was founded and built up by him, Hon, George Nichol has a record as a soldier, business man, public spirited citizen and official, which places him among the most venerable and useful men of Madison County, Nearly sixty years of his life time has been spent within the limits of this County, and he is one of the few still living whose memory and intimate knowledge of business and … Read more