Biography of Hon. T. J. Medill

Ranking among Rock Island’s prominent men, who have been honored politically and who have achieved a high standing in the realm of business, stands the subject of this sketch, Thomas J. Medill. He was born in Milan, Illinois, March 16, 1859. His parents were Thomas J. and Eliza A. (Dickson) Medill. The father, when a young man, emigrated from the north of Ireland to America, and here he married Miss Eliza A. Dickson, the daughter of William Dickson, and a native of Erie County, Pennsylvania. William Dickson, of whom a more extended biography appears elsewhere in this volume, laid out … Read more

Biography of James Medill

James Medill. The late James Medill was one of the men who came to Kansas during its territorial period, and while he was but one of scores of similar pioneers, he bore his part worthily, although inconspicuously, in the upbuilding of the commonwealth. Mr. Medill was born on a farm in Jefferson County, Ohio, near Steubenville, May 21, 1824, a son of Joseph Medill, who was of the same family that produced the Medills who made the Chicago Tribune famous. James Medill was reared to manhood in his native county, where he acquired a good, practical education. As a young … Read more