Mahaffey, Maude Craig Mrs. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Maude Mahaffey Dies Suddenly Mrs. Maude Mahaffey, who had been ill for several months, passed away suddenly Tuesday morning, January 29, 1952 at her home in Enterprise. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon, February 1, at 2:00 o’clock from the Community church with the Booth-Bollman Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Rev. John Munsey, pastor, will officiate. Honorary pallbearers will be John Simmons, Albert Wilson, Charles E. Crow, J.A. Eggleson, C.H. Zurcher and Alvin McFetridge, and acting as active pallbearers, will be W.S. Strickler, A.M. Pace, C.N. Miller, Elmer McFetridge, John McFetridge, and Glenn Russell, … Read more

Biography of Pierce A. Mahaffey

PIERCE A. MAHAFFEY. – To all those traveling in the older times across the rugged Blue Mountain range, the Blue Mountain House is a well-remembered spot. Its ample dimensions, its bountiful far, its genial good cheer, and its generosity and hospitality, made it a welcome relief from the toil of the road. The untimely death of this well-known gentleman has now cast its shadow over the place. Mr. Mahaffey was born in Park county, Indiana, January 25, 1841, and was educated in Iowa, whither he removed in 1850, where he was engaged in farming until 1862. In that year he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ira Mahaffey

Ira Mahaffey has for two terms, two years each, been the affable and courteous clerk of the District Court at Concordia. Few people entirely appreciate the ability and tact required for the successful administration of such an office. Not only must the records be properly kept, legible and correct and easily grasped by the ordinary mind, but the clerk himself must be accommodating and at all times genial and attentive to those who have business with his office. All these qualities Mr. Mahaffey possesses and more too. Politically he is a republican, and while he is a strong believer in … Read more

Mahaffey, William – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon William Mahaffey Passes William Mahaffey, resident of Enterprise for many years, died Monday at Pendleton of pneumonia. His son, Henry C. Mahaffey, went to Pendleton Tuesday to arrange for the funeral home and burial which were at Pendleton. Mr. Mahaffey was about 80 years old and was born in Kentucky. He came to Enterprise about 30 years ago and made his home here until recently. For some time he had been in feeble health due to his advanced years. He was survived by his widow, and two daughters, Mrs. Goodrich and Mrs. Mary Fischer of Spokane, … Read more