Biographical Sketch of Ellis R. Gourd
(See Conrad and Riley) Ellis R., son of Ellis R. and Susan (Riley) Gourd was born April 22, 1864. Educated in the Cherokee national schools. Married October 10, 1886 Martha Miller, born September 15, 1865. They are the parents of John Ellis, William Penn, Bonnielynn and Lucinda R. Gourd. Rattlinggourd Conrad married Polly Toney and their son Jackson Rattlinggourd was born in 1809. Married Elsie Wilson, born in 1808. He was judge of Tahlequah District from 1862 until 1873. Mrs. Elsie R. Gourd died October 4, 1884 and he died April 10, 1885. Their son Ellis R. Gourd married Susan, … Read more