Biography of L. U. Gaston

L. U. Gaston, Chief of Police of Bartlesville, Washington county, Oklahoma, was born in Neosho, Kansas, October 13, 1873, a son of James Monroe and Laodicea (Smith) Gaston, both of whom were natives of Illinois. His father was a farmer of Kansas and followed that occupation to the time of his death, which occurred in 1877. His wife died in 1895. Mr. Gaston attended the public schools of Neosho county, Kansas, during his early boyhood and when his school days were over he engaged in the livery business, which he followed for a few years. He then removed to St. … Read more

Biography of Lieutenant William Gaston

Lieutenant William Gaston

William Gaston was born at Newburn, North Carolina, April 5th, 1834. He was the oldest of a family of three children of Alexander and Eliza W. Gaston. Alexander Gaston was a man who exercised marked local influence and was of some political prominence in his state. Among the public duties committed to him was that of representing Hyde County in the State Convention of 1835. Judge William Gaston, father of Alexander Gaston, served as a judge of the Supreme Court of North Carolina. He was also for several years a member of Congress from that state. The Gaston family is … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Gaston

Gaston, William; clergyman; born, Columbiana County, O., April 19, 1835; son of James W. and Rebecca Conke Gaston; A. B., Washington College, Pa., 1858; grad. Western Theological Seminary, 1861; (D. D., 1887, LL. D., 1892, Richmond College Ohio); married, Julia M. Cunningham, of Smith’s Ferry, Pa., May 4, 1855 (died March, 1896); second wife, Jennie L. Wise, of Washington, Pa., Aug. 2, 1898; ordained Presbyterian ministry, 1861; pastor, Smith’s Ferry, Pa., 1861-1865; First Church, Bellaire, O., 1865-1880; North Church, Cleveland, 1880-1907; Emeretus, 1907; chaplain U. S. Christian Comma in Civil War, director University of Wooster, O.; Republican; Presbyterian; has traveled … Read more

Autauga County Alabama Genealogy

Autauga County, Alabama

An extensive collection of material relating to Autauga County Alabama genealogy, includes vital records, cemeteries, census, history, and other records.

A History of Washington Valley New Jersey

Washington Valley plotted from earliest available deeds

In 1949 a committee came together to prepare a history of Washington Valley New Jersey. From its origins as a settlement in 1749 through the pivotal moments of the Revolutionary War and into the nineteenth century, they delve into the lives of the early families who once called this valley home. Despite the challenges of piecing together a fragmented historical record, their endeavor aims to illuminate the valley’s heritage, drawing on a diverse array of sources, from land deeds and wills to personal anecdotes and genealogical research. This book is free to read or to download as a PDF.

Biography of Joseph Gaston

JOSEPH GASTON. – Joseph Gaston, the pioneer railroad man of Oregon, was born in Lloydsville, Belmont county, Ohio, in 1833. His ancestors on is father’s side were Huguenots, who were expelled from France by the Roman Catholic King in the sixteenth century, on account of their adhesion to the protestant reformation. They settled first in Ireland, and from thence in 1562 removed to North Carolina, from whence numerous branches of the family scattered out over the United States. William Gaston, the granduncle of Joseph, was chief justice of North Carolina, and for many years member of Congress from that state, … Read more