Biography of Rodney Fletcher

Rodney Fletcher, son of Arad H. and Bethana (Darling) Fletcher, wasborn in Chesterfield, November 18, 1826, and married Olive W. Albee, daughter of Captain Nathaniel Albee, of Chesterfield, November 3, 1847. He has one daughter, Sarah E., who was married in 1873, to B. H. Swan; D. V. S. Since 1843 Mr. Fletcher has resided at Chesterfield Factory, and has worked in the auger factories located there, under various firms at different periods as finisher, having had charge of the polishing-room, where b has been for more than forty’ years. Under the old military regime, he was a prominent member … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Abel Fletcher

Abel Fletcher, one of the pioneer settlers of Chesterfield. N. H., married Phoebe, daughter of Jonathan Hildreth, of Chesterfield, in 1784; for his second wife he married Sally Willard, and for his third Charlotte, daughter of Ephraim Hubbard, who survived him. His will was made in 1816 and proved in 1817. Daniel, son of Abel, born August 8, 1789, married Lucy, daughter of Joseph Converse, and resided many years in Chesterfield, but died in Hills. dale, December 5, 18i5, aged eighty-six years. Joseph C. Fletcher, son of Daniel, born May 27, 1822, died May 31, 1873, aged fifty-seven years. He … Read more

Stephenson County Illinois World War 1 Veterans

Honor roll of the Great War, Stephenson County, 1917-1919

This small booklet contains all the known men and women who participated in World War 1 and claimed their home of record as Stephenson County, Illinois. By participation, this record does not limit this to soldiers, but also contains the records of those men and women who served the Red Cross, Y.M.C.A., and other non-fighting positions. This book is free to read or download.

Descendants of Joseph Borden of Fall River MA

Richard Borden

BORDEN (Fall River family – line of Joseph, fourth generation). The Borden family is an ancient one both here in New England and over the water in old England, as well as one of historic interest and distinction. The New England branch has directly or indirectly traced the lineage of the American ancestor, Richard Borden, many generations back in English history. His first English forbear went over to England from Bourdonnay, Normandy, as a soldier under William the Conquerer, and after the battle of Hastings  – in A. D. 1066 – was assigned lands in the County of Kent, where … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Paris Fletcher

Paris Fletcher was born in Woodstock, Vt., March 21, 1794, and at the age of sixteen years came to Bridport, and engaged with his brother James, who came here two years previous, in the saddle and harness-making business. Young Fletcher’s inclinations, however, were towards a more active and speculative life, and he soon became a general merchant, in which vocation he displayed the same ability and energy that characterized him in all ventures of his life, from shop-boy to bank president. Mr. Fletcher was held in the highest esteem by his townsmen, whom he served in most of the important … Read more