Death Records of Lee County, Virginia, 1853-1897
This is a transcription of the death records of Lee County, Virginia from 1853-1897. Over 36,000 records are transcribed in this free digital PDF book.
This is a transcription of the death records of Lee County, Virginia from 1853-1897. Over 36,000 records are transcribed in this free digital PDF book.
Charles S. Eagle, a business man and mannfacturer at Topeka, is a native Kansan, and his family history is closely identified with the early border days of this state. His father, James Eagle, who came to Kansas in 1856 and located in Douglas County, kept a hotel for several years on the old California trail at Big Springs. That was before the day of railroads, and his hotel supplied a service to the great traffic that went by his doors in stage coaches and prairie schooners. Like most other early settlers in Kansas he was drawn into the border and … Read more