Crossler, Eliza Mary – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Eliza Crossler Services Held Eliza Mary Crossler passed away at her home in Walla Walla November 28. She was born February 2, 1878, at Sweet Home, Oregon. Her parents, George and Mary Hearing, with their family, came to Wallowa County in 1884, settling in the hill country east of Lostine where they farmed many years and endured the hardships of the early pioneers. Years later they moved to Lostine and then to Wallowa. Eliza was married to George Childers and to this union seven children were born, five of whom survive. Mr. Childers carried the Lostine … Read more

Crossler, Mrs. E.A. – Obituary

Monday morning at her home northeast of Evans, Mrs. E. A. Crossler was suddenly and unexpectedly called to enter her rest. Her death came as a severe shock to her relatives and friends. In meeting life’s call as a mother she passed into the shadow and crossed to the other shore from whence no traveler ever returns. Besides her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bright of Wallowa and other relatives, she leaves her husband and four children, Eula, Irene, Melvin and Mina, to mourn her untimely going. Mrs. Crossler was laid to rest in the Lostine cemetery … Read more