Biography of Hon. Joseph B. Crockett

The following sketch was written by Hon. James F. Buckner, of Louisville, for the Kentucky New Era. Col. Buckner was a student of Mr. Crockett, and for several years his law partner, hence no one is better qualified to write an impartial sketch of the man, and he pays a noble tribute to his old friend, partner and preceptor. He says: Joseph B. Crockett, the son of Col. Robert Crockett, was born in 1808, at Union Mills, in Jessamine County, Kentucky, and settled on a farm near Russellville. It was while Col. Crockett was pursuing the vocation of a farmer … Read more

Genealogy of Woodland, Idaho Families

Woodland Friends Church Sign

This book is based upon data secured by personal interviews and various other reliable sources of information concerning Woodland Idaho genealogy and history under the editorial supervision of Edna L. Egleston in 1944.