Abstractions from Huron County Ohio, Will Book A

Volume A, Huron County Wills to 1852

This volume is “Abstractions from Huron County Ohio, Will Book A.” These will abstractions cover the years from 1828 to 1852. They have been taken out of order as they appeared in the original volume and sorted by name. This abstraction was done by Henry Timman of Norwalk, Ohio, in 1960.

Biography of Abner E. Callaway

The old adage that ‘”truth is stranger than fiction” finds exemplification in the annals of the northwest. The most marvelous characters of the novelist cannot exceed in courage and daring the hardy pioneers who have opened up this vast region to the advance of civilization. Traveling across the hot, arid, sandy plains, climbing the steep mountains, threading their way through dense forests of towering trees, they came to this land of the “silent, sullen people,” whose hostility made existence most uncertain, and here they have established homes, churches and schools, developed the rich agricultural and mineral resources of the country … Read more

Slave Narrative of Mariah Callaway

Warning 26 March 2021. It has come to my attention that Mariah Callaway, is being mischaracterized by some articles online as having been born on the Callaway plantation in Washington, Georgia. This is incorrect. Calloway is the married name of Mariah. She was born on James (Jim) H. Willis plantation. The original opinion piece, written by Will Bunch, and published in the Philadelphia Enquirer on 26 Mar 2021, properly places Mariah’s birth on the Willis plantation. Some subsequent articles which quote the original, have since misrepresented this fact. Interviewer: RossPerson Interviewed: Mariah CallawayLocation: Georgia [TR: A significant portion of this … Read more

Callaway, Roy D. – Obituary

Keating, Baker County, Oregon Roy D. Callaway, 84, Keating Star Route, an employee of the Oregon Lumber Co. in Baker for more than four decades, died Saturday, August 14, 1982, at St. Elizabeth Community Hospital. His funeral will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Grays West & Co. Pioneer Chapel. The Rev. Ralph Holcomb of the First Christian Church will officiate. Interment will follow at Mt. Hope Cemetery. Mr. Calloway was born may 13, 1898 in Muscatine, Iowa, the son of George and Mary Jane Allen Callaway. He moved as a young man to Baker County, where he and his … Read more

Montana Constitutional Convention Members 1889

The following persons were members of the constitutional convention: William A. Clark, Walter M. Bickford, J. F. Brazelton, Peter Breen, E. U Aiken, Simon R. Buford, William Mason Bullard, Walter A. Burleigh, Alex. F. Burns, Andrew J. Bums, Edward Burns, James Edward Cardwell, B. Piatt Carpenter, Milton Canby, William A. Chessman, Timothy E. Collins, Charles E. Conrad, Walter Cooper, Thomas F. Courtney, Arthur J. Craven, W. W. Dixon, D. M. Durfee, William Dyer. William T. Field, George O. Eaton, J. E. Gaylord, Paris Gibson, Warren C. Gillette, O. F. Goddard, Fielding L. Graves, R. E. Hammond, Charles S. Hartman, Henri … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Callaway

George Callaway, a retired physician of Tuscola and a large land owner of Douglas County, is a native of Christian County, Kentucky, and was born May 4, 1848. In 185o he removed to Illinois and was principally educated in the Illinois. College at Jacksonville. After leaving school he read medicine with Dr. J. L. Reat, at Tuscola, Illinois, and subsequently entered the Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati, from which he graduated in the class of ’73. Dr. Callaway commenced the practice of medicine at Virginia City, Montana, having gone first in 1871 to that territory as surveyor in the employ … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John B. Callaway

John B. Callaway was the eldest son of Flanders Callaway and Jemima Boone.* He was a fine scribe and an excellent business man, and was Justice of the Peace and Judge of the County Court for many years. A large proportion of the old legal papers of St. Charles County have the name of John B. Callaway attached to them as Justice of the Peace. He had a mill and a distillery on Femme Osage creek, and the water for the distillery was carried some distance in troughs, made by hollowing out poles, which were kept free of mud by … Read more