Hodgen Cemetery, Hodgen, LeFlore County, Oklahoma

Hodgen Cemetery, LeFlore County, Oklahoma

To get to Hodgen Cemetery take Hwy #59 south from the main intersection in Hodgen about 1/2 mi, then right. This is the cemetery for the town of Hodgen, and still active. Our thanks to Paula Doyle-Bicket for the submission of these cemeteries to our online collection. [box]Source: Copyright © 2004, by Paula Doyle-Bicket. All Rights Reserved[/box]

Biography of Henry M. Brownfield

Henry M. Brownfield is one of the old timers of Champaign County and has had his home in this region since early childhood and for a period of more than sixty years. The honor and respect due him are the result not only of long residence, painstaking work and management as a practical farmer, but also to his most creditable record as a soldier in the Union Army during the Civil War. Mr. Brownfield is a native of Missouri, having been born in Shelby County, October 15, 1842. His parents, John R. and Susan (Mullens) Brownfield, were both natives of … Read more

Brownfield, Ina M. Lee – Obituary

Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon, Sep. 16, for Ina Brownfield, 74, in the Elliott Chapel with burial in the Forest Park Cemetery. Mrs. Brownfield, the widow of the late Dr. H. W. Brownfield, was well known throughout the county, as she served Harper County as register of deed for 22 years. Mrs. Brownfield, born in Columbus, Ind., came to Harper County with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall D. Lee when she was five years of age. She held the honor of being a member the longest in the Methodist Church in Anthony. Her membership in the church meant … Read more

Brownfield, Haynes W., Dr. – Obituary

Haynes W. Brownfield, 60-year-old physician and surgeon, one of Anthony’s most prominent professional men for the past 35 years, passed away at his home shortly after 1:30 o’clock yesterday morning. He had been bedfast for the past six months. He had made himself vitally useful to the community and the community esteemed him not only as a doctor but as a most public-spirited citizen. Funeral services will be held this afternoon, Thursday, at 2:30 at the Gem Mortuary, with Rev. Victor A. Major of the Methodist Church officiating. Burial will be in Forest Park Cemetery. Dr. Brownfield was born October … Read more