Biographical Sketch of Mrs. A. E. Bresee

Mrs. A.E. Bresee, dealer in millinery and fancy goods, located in Crawford County, Ia., in 1877, and moved to Missouri Valley in 1879, and engaged in present business; carries a large and complete stock of goods, and does all branches of millinery work.

Biographical Sketch of James M. Bresee

James M. Bresee, farmer; P. O. Etna; is the son of Dorous and Fanny Bresee; was born in Cumberland Co., Ill., Jan. 30, 1847; moved to Coles Co. Feb. 12, 1870; is the owner of 120 acres of land valued at near five thousand dollars; was Road Overseer and School Director for ten years or more; was married to Sarah J. Stowers, of Coles Co., April 5, 1868. Names of children – boys: Bird E., born Nov. 18, 1875; girls: Minnie V., born Aug. 22, 1869; Lillie E., born Oct. 17, 1871; Hellen M., born March 1, 1873. Was in … Read more