Pioneers of Chambers County Texas

Texas coastal pioneers of Chambers County

“Texas Coastal Pioneers of Chambers County” by Varuna Hartmann Lawrence, published in 1952 by Royal Publishing Co., offers a genealogical history of the early settlers of Chambers County, Texas. This book details the cultural and spiritual development of the Gulf Coast region and includes sketches of many early families. Lawrence, a native of Chambers County, draws on her personal experiences and extensive knowledge of farm and ranch life to provide a rich historical narrative. Her work captures the transformation of the region, influenced by both agricultural practices and oil development. Through her writings, Lawrence preserves the legacy of the pioneering families of Chambers County, making a significant contribution to Texas history.

Biographical Sketch of William E. Atwell

William E. Atwell was born in Bracken County, Kentucky, in the year A. D. 1831, and there grew to man’s estate, when he moved to a farm in Pendleton County in the same state. He wedded Miss Nancy Barrett, of near Cynthiana. She died in June, 1897. They had twelve children, all of whom are living and doing well in the world. Mr. Atwell is a son of William and Ursla (Fields) Atwell, who were natives of old Virginia. His grandfathers were Hugh Atwell and Leban Fields, the former born in Virginia and the latter in North Carolina.. Mr. Atwell, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William C. Atwell

William C. Atwell, from Wentworth, Mass., came to this town in 1814, making the first permanent settlement on the farm now owned by his son, James. On this farm is said to have been built the first frame barn in the town, and which is yet in use. William died in 1867, aged seventy-seven years. He was a physician by profession, and served his townsmen in this capacity, and in various town offices, faithfully and well. Of his family of nine children, two, James and Davis, now reside here. The former was born in 1831, has a family of two … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nathan Atwell

Nathan Atwell, from Hollis, N. H., came into Johnson among the earliest settlers, and located on road 11, upon the farm now owned by his son, James. He resided here until his death, at the age of eighty-four years. Six of his family of thirteen children are now living. James, the twelfth child, born in 1814, resides on the old homestead. Benjamin and Asher E. are aged respectively seventy-eight and sixty-five years.