Rhode Island WW2 NMCG Casualty List – F Surnames

FAIRMAN, Frederick Charles, Jr., Ensign, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Fairman, Sr., 30 Fernwood Ave., Pawtucket. FALLON, Francis R., Pfc., USMCR. Wife, Mrs. Francis R. Fallon, 141 Freeborn Ave., East Providence. FANTASIA, Frank Alfred, Freman 2c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Fantasia, 194 Prairie Ave., Providence. FARNSWORTH, Frank Eugene, Jr., Gunner’s Mate 3c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eugene Farnsworth, Sr., 139 Marlborough St., East Greenwich. FAY, Charles Joseph, Chief Torpedoman’s Mate, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Agnes Mary Fay, 24 Calvert St., Newport. FAZZI, Victor Armiss, Fireman 2c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. Christine Fazzi, 10 Shirley Blvd., Cranston, Providence. … Read more

Rhode Island WW2 NMCG Casualty List – G Surnames

GANLEY, James Edward, Quartermaster 3c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. Catherine Louise Ganley, 124 Sumter St., Providence. GARDNER, Henry Brayton, Lieutenant, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Georgiana Mcarthur Gardner, 73 Congdon St., Providence. GAUL, James R., Pvt., USMCR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gaul, 765 Eddy St., Providence. GAUTHIER, Paul Joseph, Gunner’s Mate 3c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Albina Gauthier, 69 John St., Pawtucket. GENTRY, Samuel Allison, Watertender 1c, USN. Mother, Mrs. Lutie McLaughlin Gentry Ray, Rt. 2, North Scituate. GEORGE, George P., Pvt., USMCR. Mother, Mrs. Carmel Z. George, 760 Taunton Ave., East Providence. GILBERT, John E., Jr., Pvt., USMC. Mother, Mrs. Lena V. … Read more

Rhode Island WW2 NMCG Casualty List – P Surnames

PACHECO, Edward Emilo, Seaman 1c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Pacheco, Box 167, Pine Heights, Esmond. PAIVA, Manuel, Aviation Roadoman 3c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Paiva, Sr., 41 Bay View Ave., Bristol. PAOLELLA, Valentino Natale, Seaman 1c, USCG. Father, Mr. Pietro Paolella, 89 Superior St., Providence. PAOLOZZI, Alfonso, Pfc., USMCR. Mother, Mrs. Margaret Paolozzi, 26 Bond St., Providence. PAOLUCCI, James Alfred, Seaman 2c, USNR. Father, Mr. Paul Paolucci, 59 Dorrance St., Hillsgrove. PAPINI, Setemo Joseph, Seaman 2c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. Cesira Papini, 68 Elm St., Pawtucket. PARENTE, Alfred A., Cpl., USMC. Mother, Mrs. Luigia Parente, 29 … Read more

Rhode Island WW2 NMCG Casualty List – D Surnames

D’AGOSTINO, Paul David, Signalman 2c, USN. Mother, Mrs. Maria Gianfrancesco, 172 Chad Brown St., Providence. DALTON, John Francis, Boatswain, USN. Wife, Mrs. Susan Mary Dalton, 1 Dodge Ct., Newport. DAVIDSON, Clarence Lacy, Aviation Metalsmith 3c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Lillian Davidson, 132 Knight St., Providence. DAVIS, Donald Lee, Ship’s Cook 1c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Peter Davis, 303 Marlborough St., East Greenwich. DAVIS, Millard, Chief Metalsmith, USN. Wife, Mrs. Alice N. Davis, 27 Amy St., Providence. DAY, Arthur Curtis, 2d Lieutenant, USMC. Mother, Mrs. Georgina L. Day, 9 Friendship St., Jamestown. DE COSTE, William Francis, Seaman 1c, USNR. Mother, … Read more

Rhode Island WW2 NMCG Casualty List – N Surnames

NASSI, Antonio Domenic, Pvt., USMC. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Nassi, 487 Washington St., Providence. NAZE, Donald Joseph, Chief Torpedoman’s Mate, USN. Wife, Mr. Etta Mae Naze, 113 Hugo St., Providence. NELSON, Phillip Hamilton, Seaman 2c, USN. Father, Mr. George Calvin Nelson, Terrace Ave., Mapleville. NEVILLE, Joseph Patrick, Watertender 1c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Regina Agnes Neville, 4 Battery St., Newport. NEWELL, Gale Philip, Pharmacist’s mate 2c, USN. Wife, Mrs. Irene Lillian Newell, 1 Willow St., Newport. NOBES, Gales Marshall, Aviation Machinist’s Mate 3c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Alice Marie Nobes, Paramount Apartments, Providence.

Rhode Island WW2 NMCG Casualty List – O Surnames

O’BRIEN, Vincent Paul, Seaman 1c, USNR. Father, Mr. Daniel William O’Brien, 56 2d Ave., Woonsocket. O’LEARY, Richard James, Aviation Machinist’s Mate 2c, USN. Father, Mr. John O’Leary, 117 Jewett St., Providence. OLIVER, Anthony Alves, Coxswain, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Oliver, 568 Wood St., Bristol. OLIVER, Fulton John, Aviation Chief Machinigt’s Mate, USN. Wife, Mrs. Lorraine Ames Oliver, 16 Bridge St., East Greenwich. OLIVIERI, Paul, Apprentice Seaman, USNR. Father, Mr. Gaetano Olivieri, 14 Albro St., Providence. ORASI, Harold William, Ship’s Cook 3c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. May Orasi, 55 Booth Ave., East Providence. O’ROURKE, Vincent John, Seaman 1c, USNR. Parents, … Read more

Rhode Island WW2 NMCG Prisoners of War

CARNEY, Francis Joseph, Ensign, Civil Engineer Corps, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Carney, 35 Annandale Rd., Newport. COWAN, Alva Roberts, Chief Pharmacist’s mate, USN. Wife, Mrs. Margaret Agnes Cowan, 48 Evarts St., Newport. GROVE, Alfred Edgar, Lieutenant Commander, USN. Wife, Mrs. Abbie Burke Grove, 128 Mill St., Newport. GUTIERREZ, Anthony Aralio, Chief Electrician’s Mate, USN. Wife, Mrs. Francis Veronica Gutierrez, 405 Pine St., Providence. PALIOTTI, Victor, Cpl., USMC. Mother, Mrs. Julia Paliotti, 23 Mathewson St., Cranston, Providence. SLIPSAGER, Glen Frederick, Chief Pharmacist’s Mate, USN. Son, Frederick Andrew Slipsager, c/o Mrs. Andrew Malone, Box 42, Portsmouth.

Rhode Island WW2 NMCG Casualty List – C Surnames

CABANA, George Armand, Storkeeper 2c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cabana, 167 2d Ave., Woonsocket. CAHIR, William Raymond, Fireman 1c, USNR. Brother, Mr. Thomas Cahir, 465 Morris Ave., Providence. CAMERON, John D., Jr., Ensign, USCGR. Wife, Mrs. Jane Groves Cameron, 2048 Broad St., Edgewood, Providence. CAMPAGNONE, Domenic, sEAMAN 1C, usnr. pARENTS, mR. AND mRS. aNTHONY cAMPAGNONE, 12 bINGHAM sT., pROVIDENCE. campagnone, dOMENIC, Seaman 1c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. Santina Scalsi, 53 Atwell Ave., Providence. CANHAM, Charles Pratt, Jr., Lieutenant, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Murn Halsey Canham, 75 Woodruff Ave., Wakefield. CAPPUCCIO, Patrick Benjamin, Ensign, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Cappuccio, … Read more

Rhode Island WW2 NMCG Casualty List – M Surnames

MACDOUGALD, Edward, Ensign, USNR. Father, Mr. Joseph MacDougald, 980 Pawtucket Ave., Rumford, Providence. MAGILL, William James, Seaman 2c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. Lillian M. Allard, 108 Carpenter St., Pawtucket. MAILLOUX, Leonard, Captain, USMCR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Mailloux, 1 Beacon Ave., Woonsocket. MARDEN, Richard, Aviation Ordnanceman 3c, USN. Wife, mrs. Amelia Barboza marden, 119 Long Wharf, Newport. MARSLAND, Alvah Irwin, Machinist’s mate 3c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Carolyn Marsland, 92 England St., Valley Falls, Lonsdale. MARTIN, Leo Joseph, Fireman 2c, USN. Father, Mr. Leo B. Martin, 22 Rocket St., Westerly. MARTIN, Michael Francis, Chief Watertender, USN. Sister, Mrs. Catherine Laushway, … Read more

Biography of Clinton M. Pease

C. M. PEASE and GEORGE A. PEASE, owners of the Enterprise Roller Mills, of West Plains, Howell County, Missouri, are conducting one of the largest concerns of the kind in south Missouri. The mill was built in 1889, at a cost of $10,000, by Dr. Pitts and George H. Carter (who is now of the Howell County Bank), and was operated by the above-mentioned gentlemen from July until October, 1889. G. A. and C. M. Pease then bought the mill and since that time have successfully operated it. In 1893 the present owners increased the capacity from 75 to 125 … Read more

Biography of Clement Richardson

Clement Richardson, of Jefferson City, president of the Lincoln Institute, deserves mention as an eminent educator, for his professional work has been not merely instilling knowledge into the minds of pupils but has been broad in its scope, thoughtful in its purposes and human in its tendency. lie has studied the individual and his requirement, has met the needs of the school and has made valuable contributions to literature that has to do with his profession. Mr. Richardson was born June 23. 1878, in Halifax county, Virginia, a son of Leonard and Louise (Barksdale) Richardson. In his youthful days he … Read more

Biography of Abraham Graham

Abraham Graham. The quiet life and substantial accomplishments of the farmer have been the lot of Abraham Graham, who is now living in the town of Penfield, retired from the strenuous labors which marked his early youth. Mr. Graham has been identified with Champaign County almost half a century, and his life record is one that will be read with pleasure by his many friends and acquaintances as well as by his family. He long ago accumulated sufficient to protect him against the days that are to come, and the respect in which he is held is no less than … Read more

Biography of Levi Livermore Tucker

Levi Livermore Tucker, late superintendent and president of the Kansas Wesleyan Business College of Salina, devoted practically his entire life to the training of young men and women for business. Fully forty years were given to that profession, and few men accomplished a more satisfying aggregate of results in this field than Professor Tucker. He was of New England birth and ancestry. The farm in Orange County, Vermont, where he was born December 10, 1853, was also the birthplace of his father, Levi Livermore Tucker, Sr., and the house that thus served as a birthplace to these two generations was … Read more

Biography of Richmond T. Battey

Richmond T. Battey is a retired banker at Florence, Kansas, with which community he had been, identified as a businees man and leader in public affairs for forty years. Mr. Battey is one of the old timers of Kansas. His recollections of the state go back to the territorial period of the latter ’50s. His experiences as a whole and particularly those of his earlier years are mainly a reflection of those events and times which form the substance of Kansas history. He knew the western plains and the old trails by actual experience, and is perhaps as well informed … Read more

Biography of Frank Sigel Dietrich

The day of the lawyer who depended upon inspiration, and whose chief preparation for forensic victory was the acquisition of alcoholic stimulants, is past. The lawyer of today depends not alone upon inspiration, but also upon hard work in preparing his cases for trial, and upon their careful presentation and handling in the courts. Usually he has to convince hard-headed business men of the merits of his case, which involves nothing of sentiment or of sensationalism and much of pecuniary interest and of commercial right and wrong, pure and simple. He goes before a judge and jury cool, collected, alert, … Read more

Biography of Peter Goyette

PETER GOYETTE.- Energetic and enterprising, the subject of this sketch has passed a life of marked activity in the various places where he has migrated, having been in Union county for one-third of a century in which time he has been one of the most successful of its army of agriculturists and stockmen. Mr. Goyette is possessed of all the fervor of the Gallic nature with its vividness and practical powers of accomplishment, and although not native born, has like so many of that noted race, made a most commendable record for patriotism and stability in stanch support of the … Read more

Biography of Peter Donnelly

Among the prominent pioneer miners of Silver City we should mention this highly esteemed citizen of Dewey, Owyhee County. He is a native of Ireland, born in county Longford, October 31, 1833. In 1840 his parents emigrated to the New World, settling in Rhode Island, and young Peter was brought up in the city of Providence. He arrived in California in the spring of 1853 and for several years followed placer mining, in all the prominent diggings of that state. Upon the discovery of gold at Oro Fino he was among the first to arrive there, in April 1862, and … Read more