Biography of Emil B. Roser

Emil B. Roser is one of those quiet and resourceful business men who accomplishes a great deal and makes very little fuss about it and only comes in for a share of public attention when faithful performance of duty requires it. Mr. Roser has been in the jewelry business at Wellington since January 10, 1883. He was born in the City of St. Louis January 27, 1867, one of the five children of Henry and Maria Theresa (Seyler) Roser. His father was a native of Germany and his mother of France, both lived for some years in Nancy, France, and … Read more

Biography of Emery Trekell, M. D.

Emery Trekell, M. D. On the wall of his office at Harper hangs a diploma showing Doctor Trekell is a graduate in medicine from Northwestern University of Chicago. Immediately after leaving that school in 1910 he took up active practice in Kansas, and for the past three years had been looking after a very large and accumulating professional business at Harper. Doctor Trekell though born at West Union in Cass County, Missouri, March 13, 1877, had some interesting historical family connections of early days in Kansas. He is of a family that came to the United States before the Revolution. … Read more

Biography of Emery M. Cockrell

Emery M. Cockrell is one of the oldest settlers in the Kaw River Valley of Shawnee County. He located in Mission Township of that county in 1873. For forty years or more his business interests have been chiefly farming, and he had developed and improved some of the best land found in that township. Mr. Cockrell is also widely known in Shawnee County as a public spirited citizen, had filled several offices of trust and responsibility, and for a number of years had made his home in the City of Topeka. He was born in Wayne County, Ohio, August 21, … Read more

Biography of Emery E. Smith

Emery E. Smith. While the average size of farms in Rice County is considerably larger than in eastern counties, there are few even of the larger farms which have been so completely developed on the diversified plan as that of Emery E. Smith. Mr. Smith’s holdings aggregate upwards of 1,000 acres, and he had given the best years of his life to the development of this splendid ranch and farm, which is situated two and a half miles southeast of Little River. Mr. Smith belongs to the pioneer element of Rice County and had lived there since he was ten … Read more

Biography of Emerson Carey

Emerson Carey. A chapter of this publication is devoted to the salt industry in Kansas. Salt ranks along with wheat, coal, petroleum and gas in contributing to the great fundamental wealth of this state. Of the individual concerns manufacturing salt in Kansas one of the greatest is the Carey Salt Company of Hutchinson. The head and moving spirit of this business is Mr. Emerson Carey. While the Careys were not pioneer salt manufacturers, they have in the last fifteen years become probably the largest operators when considered as a single family group, and today the name Carey is practically synonymous … Read more

Biography of Ely Moore, Sr.

Ely Moore, Sr. If Kansas should seek among its living citizens a man whose career is richest in associations with the events far back in territorial times there could be no better approximation to the ideal choice than that of the venerable Ely Moore, Sr., of Lawrence. Now in his eighty-fifth year, he saw when a young man in his early twenties much of that strenuous struggle which made Kansas Territory the battle ground of the nation. His own life had been regulated on strenuous lines, and he comes of fighting ancestry. He is descended from Sir Thomas More, who … Read more

Biography of Elster M. Haile

Elster M. Haile is president of the Haile Investment Company of Kingman, his business partner and associate being Dan Callahan, president of the Federal Land Bank of Wichita. Until taking up his work in the domain of real estate several years ago Mr. Haile was an active minister of the Gospel, and at one time was in charge of one of the leading churches of the Christian denomination at Chicago. He was born in Macon County, Tennessee, June 9, 1879, and is a son of the late Joshua F. Haile, who is regarded as one of the most constructive factors … Read more

Biography of Elmore W. Snyder

Elmore W. Snyder. A resident of Kansas since 1878, and with possibly one exception the oldest living bank president in the state, Elmore W. Snyder, president of the Manufacturers National Bank of Leavenworth, had been actively identified with the commercial and financial history of Kansas for nearly forty years. He was born in the Village of Red Creek, Wayne County, New York, November 23, 1850. Jacob Snyder, his great-grandfather, settled in that section of York State in pioneer times and operated a grist mill for many years. His grandfather, Amos Snyder, was there reared, engaged in farming, practiced law and … Read more

Biography of Elmer Guy Stahl

The Stahl family had been identified with Kansas history since 1856, from territorial times. It is a family remarkable in several ways. The Stahls have been people of tremendous physical energy and not less notable for their splendid moral character and the presence of such a family is a source of benefit to any community or state. The founder of the family in this state was Michael Stahl, who died soon after coming to Topeka in 1856. He left his widow, and children named Anna, now Mrs. Smith of Highland Park; Belle, who died in 1902 in Gridley, Kansas; Levina, … Read more

Biography of Elmer Eugene Kelley

E. E. Kelley during his thirty years of residence in Kansas had played a varied and honorable part in affairs, as an educator, farmer, and, in more recent years, as editor and publisher. He is now head of the Toronto Republican and a former president of the Kansas State Editorial Association. Taken in connection with what he had accomplished himself in life, Mr. Kelley may take a reasonable degree of pride in his American ancestry. The Kelley family goes back to Ireland. While the population of America was still straggling along the Atlantic coast in thirteen colonies, James Kelley emigrated … Read more

Biography of Elmer E. Liggett, M. D.

Dr. Elmer E. Liggett (b. 1861, Marysville, Ohio) was a prominent physician and surgeon in Labette County, Kansas, where he practiced for over thirty years. Born into a family of Scottish descent, Liggett moved to Kansas as a child and pursued his medical education at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Keokuk, Iowa, graduating in 1884. He further specialized in surgery at Bellevue Hospital Medical College and the New York Post-Graduate School. Dr. Liggett was highly regarded for his medical expertise and community involvement in Oswego, Kansas. He married Mary Parsons Maynard in 1887, with whom he had one daughter, Ruth Ellsworth.

Biography of Elmer E. Glenn

Elmer E. Glenn. When Elmer E. Glenn was a young man he learned the blacksmith trade in the railroad shops at Ottawa, Kansas. He spent his early life on a farm near that city. The trade which he learned and worked at for a number of years had been the basis upon which he had built his present successful business at Sedan, where he is proprietor of machine shops specializing in the repair and manufacture of oil well tools. Though Mr. Glenn had spent most of his life in Kansas he was born at Mattoon, Illinois, November 11, 1874. His … Read more

Biography of Elmer Birdell Gift

Elmer Birdell Gift, a native Kansan, spent his active years in educational work. He is now city superintendent of the public schools of Manhattan, and has been a teacher or a student in higher educational institutions continuously for the past twenty years. He was born on a farm in Smith County, Kansas, April 28, 1874, a son of John and Rachel Ann (Akers) Gift. His parents came to Kansas from Iowa in 1873, settling on a farm. His father was a native of Pennsylvania of German lineage, while his mother was born in Ohio of Scotch and English ancestry. Their … Read more

Biography of Ellsworth L. Burton

Ellsworth L. Burton. One of the very able members of the Kansas Legislature in the session of 1915-16 was Representative E. L. Burton from Parsons. Mr. Burton is an attorney by profession, has spent most of his life in Kansas, and has some very influential and important connections in his part of the state. He was born at Mattoon, Illinois, April 30, 1868. The Burtons came from England and settled in the Carolinas during colonial days. Mr. Burton is a direct descendant of Cavalier Burton. His grandfather Alfred Burton was born near Guilford Court House in North Carolina, and died … Read more

Biography of Elliott Carriger

Elliott Carriger. The year 1854 is the most significant in the entire history of Kansas as the settled abode of civilized white man. To say that a man came to Kansas in 1854 means that he was identified with all the conditions, events and developments which made a territory and then a state out of a region which in all preceding years of American history had lain barren and fruitless. It was not only on account of his early arrival in Kansas territory but also because of the widespread influence of his character and activities that the late Elliott Carriger … Read more

Biography of Elizabeth Tantum Spencer

Elizabeth Tantum Spencer was born near Jerseyville, Illinois, September 28, 1871. She attended the rural schools in Jersey County, Illinois, and Woodson County, Kansas, was graduated from the Yates Center High School (a member of the first class) in 1890, and from the Kansas State Normal at Emporia in 1894. She taught three years in the rural schools of Woodson County, during the first year riding fourteen miles each day. Since that time she had taught in the schools of Yates Center, Kansas City, Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri. In 1912 she became deputy county treasurer of Woodson County under … Read more

Biography of Elisha Wesley McComas, Hon.

While the years of his greatest activity and achievement, the period which made him a national figure, were spent in other localities, a special interest attaches to the career of Elisha W. McComas in Kansas, not only because he lived in that state for many years, but members of his family still reside there. He was born in Cabell County in Old Virginia, the second in a family of six sons. His father was a prominent man in Old Virginia, served several terms in Congress, filled a position on the local bench, and other places of honor. The early life … Read more

Biography of Elisha H. Rollins

Elisha H. Rollins, partner of Mr. Ireland in the proprietorship of the Ireland & Rollins Planing Mills Company, and one of the progressive and energetic business men of Fort Scott, was born March 15, 1859, on Prince Edward Island, a son of John and Mary (Harker) Rollins, natives of that place, who passed their entire lives there in agricultural pursuits. The father died in 1909, at the age of seventy-five years, while the mother passed away many years before, being forty-seven years old at the time of her demise. The fourth in a family of nine children, Elisha H. Rollins … Read more

Biography of Elias Emerson Morris

Elias Emerson Morris has for eight years been probate judge of Riley County. To that office he has brought a singularly fair impartiality, and ever since he entered upon his duties the people of the county have recognized that the interests of the widows and orphans have been most capably and honestly administered. Judge Morris is one of the old time educators of Kansas, and has long been identified with some form of official service in Riley County. He was born in Crawford County, Pennsylvania, November 2, 1859, a son of James S. and Mary (Chamberlain) Morris. His parents were … Read more

Biography of Eldred Lloyd Eaton

Eldred Lloyd Eaton has been engaged in practice as a lawyer for the past six years, and in many ways had justified his choice of a profession and calling. In attainments and ability he now ranks as the leading lawyer of Chase County, his home and offices being. in Cottonwood Falls. Mr. Eaton had had a very active career, and he entered the legal profession after considerable experience as a teacher and business man. He was born at Hillsboro, Iowa, November 23, 1876, a son of Eugene E. and Etta Charity (Fligg) Eaton. His grandfather, Ebenezer Ancel Eaton, was a … Read more