Biography of John S. Horner

The esteemed gentleman, whose name initiates this paragraph, is one of the substantial and enterprising agriculturists of Wallowa County, having wrought here with commendable zeal and sagacity for its development and material progress since he has been domiciled within its borders, and his faithfulness and ability have well earned for him the high esteem in which he is held among his fellows, and the prestige which he enjoys as well as the leading position in many ways is merited. John S. was born in Illinois on February 11, 1839, being the son of John and Sarah (Seymore) Horner, natives respectively … Read more

Biography of Hoit, Mary Melvina

Mary Melvina Hoit 1842 – 1916 Biography Mary Melvina Hoit was born in Meigs County, Ohio in 1842. She was one of the two daughters. Her sister’s name was Ruthanar. We do not have the names of her parents but in scrapbook #3 in one of the letters she wrote to newspapers there is come family history. Her father moved from Meigs Co. to Quincy, Ill. In Adams County in 1844. They lived in town until the following spring when they moved to the north line of Adams County and purchased a farm from his brother-in-law, Truman Hocox. This farm … Read more

Biography of John Fleming

Hearts that were brave and true and hands that were strong wrought out the development of our beloved county, making here the abodes of civilization from the wilds of nature and the haunts of the savages, and among this worthy number, must be mentioned the subject of this sketch, who, although he was not among the first to break sod here, still so identified himself with the county’s interests and with the worthy men who labored with him that he was really one of the builders of Wallowa county, and it is befitting that we grant him this memorial in … Read more

Biography of Henry H. Edwards

Prosperous and progressive are the agriculturists and stock men of Wallowa County, and one among them who was wrought with the energy and intelligence that are characteristic of him in all his ways, is the subject of this sketch, a man of marked capabilities and excellent qualities of moral worth, manifesting always those virtues that mark the steady, substantial, and progressive man, coupled with which area good executive ability and penetration into the manipulation of business affairs that renders him great assistance in the care and conduct of his interests. Mr. Edwards was born in Clay county, Illinois, on January … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Marshall C. Davis

Before Wallowa county had a separate political existence the subject of this sketch was in this section, redeeming from the savage and the unbroken wilds of nature the country and laboring for the development of the same, and constantly he has so demeaned himself that the confidence of all who know him is freely given him, while his characteristic qualities of uprightness, integrity and excellent capabilities for the business affairs of life have been displayed, and he justly stands today in the prominent place that he occupies and enjoys the prestige that his worthy career has gained. In Hancock County, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles C. Beggs

No grander monument can be placed at the head of the grave of any man than the noble work that the pioneers did in this section of the country, when they fought back the bloodthirsty hordes of savages and invaded the wilds of nature, to reclaim for homes and civilization’s abode these regions which was done at the expense of much trying labor, great hardships, perils of serious nature and self-denial all the way through. Among this worthy class and deserving of special honor for his faithful life and excellent achievements, is the esteemed subject of this memoir, to whom … Read more

Biography of John Fosha

JOHN FOSHA, of Silver Creek township, Stephenson county, is widely known as one of the most successful farmers of northern Illinois, and he has achieved his present enviable position solely through his own efforts. He has extensive real estate holdings in Kansas as well as this state, as substantial results of his wise use of brain and brawn, and can congratulate himself that while he is still erect and vigorous he has accumulated such a property and stands so well in the business world. Frank and Anna Maria Fosha, the grandparents of the Silver Creek farmer, were born in Lippe-Detmold, … Read more