Biographical Sketch of John Moore

John Moore, farming and stock; P. O. Humbolt; the subject of this sketch was born in Adams Co., Ohio, Dec. 22, 1830. Be married Miss Eliza J. Grooms, July 11, 1852; she was born in Adams Co., Ohio, June 18, 1834. They had eleven children, eight living, viz., Alfred F., Almira F., Newton B., S. A. Douglas, Ella R., Ludora J., Ida I. and John E. He was born on his father’s farm, and lived there for twenty-seven years; he then came to Illinois and settled in Coles Co., on his present place; this was in 1857, and has lived … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John McBride

John McBride, farming and stock; P. O. Arcola; was born in Somerset Co., N. J., Jan. 10, 1840. He married Miss Annie P. Koymer Dec. 1, 1864; she was born same place, Dec. 1,1847; they have one child, viz., Minnie. He lived in New Jersey until he was 24 years old, when on being married he came to Illinois and settled in North Okaw Tp., of Coles Co.; in 1867, he moved to this township and settled near his present place, to which he came in 1874; he has been Collector in this township one term he owns eighty acres … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John L. Balch

John L. Balch, deceased, farmer and author; P. O. Charleston; the subject of this sketch owned 120 acres of land, on Sec. 14; willed to the four sisters who now live on the same; he was born in Logan Co., Ky., Dec. 27, 1800, and died October 3, 1870. He lived with his parents on the farm until married, Nov. 10, 1829, to Melinda N. White; she was born in Sullivan Co., Ind., May 4, 1808, died Jan. 5, 1865. Mr. Balch came to this county in 1830, and settled on the farm where the four sisters now reside, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Johnson

John Johnson, farming and stock; P. O. Humbolt; the subject of this sketch was born in County Fermana, Ireland, 1838; he married Miss Martha E. Smith Jan. 22, 1868; she was born in North Okaw Tp., Coles Co., Ill., April 3, 1843; they have four children, viz., William, Allie, John and Walter. He lived in Ireland until 1850, when, with his parents, he earned to the United States and settled in Moultrie Co., Ill., where they engaged in farming; he lived there until 1868, though, with his brothers, he helped carry on a farm in North Okaw Tp. since 1856; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Jeffris

John Jeffris, farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. Mattoon; owns 340 acres; was born in Coles Co., Ill., Jan. 26, 1831, and lived with his parents on the farm in this township until 21 years of age; then went to California, returned and was married to Mary Vandierer, March 22, 1859; she was born in Indiana March 1, 1836. They have five children, viz., Ralph, Bell, Hershel, Isaac and Abba. Mr. Jeffries was School Director for nine years. His parents were natives of Virginia and Mrs. Jeffries parents’ natives of Kentucky.

Biographical Sketch of John Jefferson Adams

John Jefferson Adams, farmer, deceased, Sec. 17; P. O. Campbell; owns 1,240 acres; Mr. Adams was one of the early pioneers of Coles Co.; he spent nearly half a century in Coles Co., Ill., and was one of the men who helped to change it from a wilderness waste to a land of fruitful fields, of bursting barns, bending orchards and happy homes, and, therefore, deserves more than a passing notice; he was born Sept. 30, 1806, in Williamson Co., Tenn. Was married to Martha Gammil in 1829. On the 26th of October, 1830, he, with his wife and firstborn … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Jarvis

John Jarvis, farming and stock; P. O. Arcola; the subject of this sketch was born in Madison Co., Ky., Dec. 25, 1809; he married Miss Polly Ray, Jan. 22, 1830; she was born, same place, Aug. 9, 1802; they had eight children, two living, viz., Robert and William. He lived in Kentucky until 1830, when he came to Illinois and settled in Edgar Co., near Paris, where he lived three years; he then moved to Kentucky, where he lived eleven years; he then moved again to Illinois and settled in Edgar Co., about fourteen miles west of Paris; he lived … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Ingram

John Ingram, farmer and schoolteacher; P. O. Charleston; was born in Vermilion Co., Ill., Oct. 16, 1836; his parents moved to Coles Co., when he was 18 months old, and settled on Sec. 33; his mother died there in February, 1855; his father is still living on Sec. 34, at the age of 65; the subject of this sketch still resides upon the homestead; he has taught school ever since he was 22 years of age. Married Miss Almorinda Garrison of Hutton Tp. (daughter of Peter Garrison) Oct. 1, 1857; she was born Jan. 9, 1839; her father, Peter Garrison, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Hutton

John Hutton, farmer; P.O. Diona; is one of the pioneers of this county, and after whom this township was named; he was born in Montgomery Co., Ky., Jan. 20, 1801; in the year 1816, his parents moved to Crawford Co:, Ill., where his father died January, 1819; his mother and family remained there until the year 1834, when they came to Coles Co., and settled on Sec. 20, where his mother died Nov., 1853, at the age of 77; Mr. Hutton still resides upon the homestead; he held the office of Supervisor the three first terms after the organization of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Hunt

John Hunt, meat-market, Mattoon; was born in Fayette Co., Ohio, Nov. 6, 1837; his father came West to Illinois and settled in Jasper Co. in 1845; his early life was that of a farmer’s boy, and his advantages for securing an education somewhat limited; most of his education he obtained in the schools of Xenia, Ohio, and as a student of Antioch College, after he had attained to manhood; he left home at the age or 18 years, and engaged in teaching school some four years; in 1860, he purchased a farm in Coles Co., and followed agricultural pursuits for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Henton

John Henton, farmer and stock-raiser; P. Coles Station; one of the most prominent settlers; was born in Fairfield Co., Ohio, Jan. 11, 1826; came to this State with his father’s family, and settled in Moultrie Co. in 1847, and in 1879, he removed to Coles Co., and settled in North Okaw Tp.; his farm consists of 410½ acres, valued at $8,000. He was married to Miss Pheba Staley, who was born in White Co., Ill.; they have six children, viz., Alvaretta, George W., Olly, Melvin, Emma and Pheba L. During Mr. Henton’s residence in Moultrie Co., he has held the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John H. Zarley

John H. Zarley, miller, Oakland; born in Washington Co., Penn., April 25, 1819, where he attended school and engaged in farming until March 1837, when he located in Morgan Co., Ohio, and followed farming until 1848, at which date he located in Blackford Co., Ind., and engaged in farming until 1851, when he removed to Moultrie Co., Ill., and engaged in farming until 1853, at which time he returned to Ohio and farmed for eleven years; he then returned to Moultrie Co., Ill., for two years, and, in 1866, he engaged in the milling business in Lovington, for one year; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Gaunt Jeffris

John Gaunt Jeffris, farmer, Sec. 16; P. O. Johnstown; owns ninety-three acres; was born in Coles Co., Ill., March 10, 1836, and lived with his parents on the farm until 30 years of age. He was married Aug. 12, 1866, to Rachel Ellen Miller, who was born in Coles Co., Ill., Oct. 18, 1849. They have had seven children, viz., Margaret E., Mary B., Anna L., Robert W., Henry S., Oscar M. and Mattie B. Mr. Jeffris has been School Director one term. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffris’ parents are natives of Kentucky.

Biographical Sketch of John G. Crawford

John G. Crawford, farmer and stock-raiser; P.O. Oakland; born in Morgan Co., Ind., Aug. 10, 1837, where he attended school in winter and was engaged in farming in summer until he was 23 years of age, when, in the spring of 1860, he removed to Illinois, locating in Douglas Co., where he engaged in farming until 1865, when he returned to his native home, remaining there two years; then coming West again, he continued farming nearly two years in Douglas Co., when in 1869, he removed to Oakland and erected a fine residence where he now lives; he also owns … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Foreman

John Foreman, farmer; P. O. Charleston; the subject of this sketch was born in the District of Columbia March 17, 1823. He married Miss Harriet E. Richardson Oct. 10, 1842; she was born in Franklin Co., Ohio, March 24, 1820; they have seven children, viz., William T., John R., Joseph, Isaac P., David B., Thomas N. and Edward P. He lived in the District of Columbia until he was 12 years of age; he then moved to Fayette Co., Ky., with his parents, who engaged in farming, and he remained until 1853, when he came to Illinois and settled in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John F. Scott

John F. Scott, attorney at law, Mattoon; was born in Geauga Co., Ohio, A. D. 1844; his early life was spent upon the farm, and his experiences those common to a farmer’s soil; at the age of 16, he became a student in the Eclectic Institute (now Hiram College), at that time presided over by Gen. J. A. Garfield; here he remained one year; returning home, he engaged in farming one year, and subsequently engaged in teaching; in 1866, he entered the Commercial College in Poughkeepsie, N.. Y., remaining eight months; he next engaged in the sale of territory for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John D. Farris

John D. Farris, farmer and nurseryman, Sec. 2; P. O. Charleston; owns 900 acres; was born in Edgar Co., Ill., Sept. 30, 1827, and was engaged with his father in farming and nursery business until 29 years of age. Was married to Eliza J. Manfort Jan. 28, 1852; she was born in Henry Co., Ky., March 16,1833; the fruit of this marriage is eight children, viz., Caleb, Mattie M., John N., Olive, Israel J. (deceased), William, Anna and one infant. Mr. Farris’ father started the first mill to grind wheat and corn in this township; people came a great distance … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Craig White

John Craig White, farmer and blacksmith, Sec. 15; P. O. Campbell; owns 120 acres; was born in Scott Co., Ky., Dec. 5, 1830, and lived with his parents on the farm until 19 years of age. He was married to Louisa Beckum Feb. 25, 1855; she was born in Coles Co., Ill., Feb. 25, 1836; died Aug. 10, 1859; he then married Sarah Elizabeth Kemper May 8, 1862; she was born in Fayette Co., Ky., Jan. 10, 1833, and has had eight children, viz., John I., Katie, Edward and Coleman; deceased-Ida F., Charles, George O., Sarah A. Mr. and Mrs. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Burwell

John Burwell, retired farmer; P. O. Oakland; born in Morris Co., N. J., Feb. 1, 1813, where he engaged in the manufacture of wrought iron until 19 years of age, when he emigrated West and engaged at his trade in the States of Kentucky, Tennessee and Ohio, until 1840, when he abandoned his trade and located upon his farm in Delaware Co., Ohio, where he lived until 1851, when, selling his farm, he emigrated West and located in Embarrass Tp., Edgar Co., Ill., purchasing a farm of 480 acres, which he worked until the spring of 1856, when he removed … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Buckler

John Buckler, farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. Oakland; born in Marion Co., Ky., June 22, 1838, where he was engaged farming until 16 years of age, when he removed to Illinois and located in Edgar Co., in 1854, where he was employed as farm laborer until 1862, at which time he rented and farmed until 1874, when he purchased eighty acres, which he worked four years; then sold out, and, after living in Douglas Co. eight months, purchased his present place of 160 acres, where he now lives, on Sec. 4, East Oakland Tp. He married April 7, 1862, to … Read more